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Research Project: Ipm Technologies for Subtropical Insect Pests

Location: Subtropical Insects Research

Title: Intercropping of citrus and guava trees for management of Huanglongbing

item Hall, David
item Gottwald, Timothy
item Nguyen, C - SOFRI
item Ichinose, K - JIRCAS
item Le, D - SOFRI
item Beattie, A - UNIV WEST SIDNEY

Submitted to: Florida Entomological Society Annual Meeting
Publication Type: Abstract
Publication Acceptance Date: June 20, 2007
Publication Date: July 18, 2007
Citation: Hall, D.G., Gottwald, T.R., Nguyen, C.M., Ichinose, K., Le, D.Q., Beattie, A. 2007. Intercropping of citrus and guava trees for management of Huanglongbing [abstract]. Florida Entomological Society Annual Meeting, July 15-18, 2007, Sarasota, Florida. Paper No. 72.

Technical Abstract: Recent studies conducted in Viet Nam by Vietnamese, Japanese and Australian scientists indicate that interplanting citrus with guava negated infestations of Asian citrus psyllid and consequently huanglongbing, a serious disease caused by a bacterium vectored by the psyllid. Young citrus interplanted with guava remained disease-free for a year whereas a similar plot of citrus by itself showed signs of the disease within four months of planting and reached over 30% trees infected within a year. Observations supporting the guava effect were made in other Vietnamese groves where citrus and guava were intercropped. This presentation presents a summary of what is known about the guava effect in Viet Nam along with information gained during a trip made by USDA-ARS to Viet Nam during April 2007.


Project Team
Hall, David
Lapointe, Stephen
Hunter, Wayne
McKenzie, Cindy
Shatters, Robert - Bob
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Last Modified: 05/06/2009
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