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Great Lakes Binational Toxics Strategy
Stakeholder Forum


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Sector and Substances Working Groups Meeting

Chicago, Illinois
September 24-25, 2008





Wednesday, September 24, 2008
8:00-8:15am Registration
8:15-8:30am Introductions, Review of Agenda
8:30-9:00am Guide to Substance and Sector Workgroup [PDF 32Kb, 4pps]- Ted Smith, US EPA
  • Review Draft
  • 9:00-9:45am
  • Overview of the Framework [PDF 135Kb, 15pps]- Allan-Paul Dane, Environment Canada
  • 9:45-10:00am BREAK
    10:00-12:00pm Review of Comments by Stakeholders and Discussion on Framework - Discussion Facilitated by John Menkedick
    12:00-1:00pm LUNCH (hosted by Environment Canada)
    1:00-1:15pm CMP Monitoring and Surveillance [PDF 40Kb, 6pps]- Greg Carreau, Environment Canada
  • Where it is and where it is going
  • How results could be shared with the GLBTS Forum
    1:15-1:30pm US Great Lakes Monitoring and Surveillance [PDF 83Kb, 12pps] - Beth Murphy, US EPA
  • Where it is and where it is going
  • How it relates to other programs
  • Screening and Surveillance Project Workplan
  • 1:30-2:00pm Monitoring and Surveillance in the Context of the Framework
    [PDF 173Kb, 7pps] - Discussion
    2:00-2:10pm Path Forward
    Thursday, September 25, 2008
    8:45am Registration (Continental Breakfast hosted by Environment Canada)
    9:00am Welcoming Remarks, Introduction, Roundtable and Announcements
    Danny Epstein, Director, Environment Protection Operations Division, EC
    Gary Gulezian, Director, Great Lakes National Program Office, US EPA
    9:20am Workgroup Reports
    Outcome: Updates by workgroup co-chairs for Mercury, PCBs, HCB & B(a)P
    9:45am Substances/Sector - Path Forward Update (facilitated general discussion)
    10:30am BREAK
    10:45am Substances/Sector - Path Forward Update (facilitated general discussion con't)
    12:00pm LUNCH (hosted by Environment Canada)
    1:00pm Future GLBTS Meeting Frequency and Reporting Format and Frequency
    [PDF 48Kb, 11pps] (facilitated general discussion)
    2:00pm Agenda Planning
    2:30pm Concluding Remarks and Adjoin
    Next Meeting: Thursday - December 3-4, 2009 (Chicago, Illinois)

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