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Glossary of Acronyms

ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act

AFL-CIO - American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations

AIMS - Apprenticeship Information Management System

AJB - America’s Job Bank

ALMIS - America’s Labor Market Information System

APEC - Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

ASP - Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy

ATUS - American Time Use Survey

AWBA - Average Weekly Benefit Amount

BAT - Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training

BCCP - Business Continuity and Contingency Plans

BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics

BtB - Business-to-Business

CATI - Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview

CCI - Correct Coding Initiative

CDC - Center for Disease Control

CE - Consumer Expenditure

CFBCI - Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations

CFO - Chief Financial Officer

CFOA - Chief Financial Officers Act

CHOICES - Clearinghouse on Implementation of Child Care and Elder Care Services

CO - Compliance Officer

CPI - Consumer Price Index

CPI-I - Consumer Price Index – Improvement

CPI-R - Consumer Price Index – Revised

CPS - Current Population Survey

CRA - Construction Resource Analysis

CRC - Civil Rights Center

CY - Calendar Year

DCC - Dependent Care Connection

DOD - U.S. Department of Defense

DOEd - U.S. Department of Education

DOJ - U.S. Department of Justice

DOL - U.S. Department of Labor

DOLAR$ - Department of Labor Accounting and Related Systems

DOT - U.S. Department of Transportation

DRG - Diagnostic Related Group

DTAA - Division of Trade Adjustment Assistance

DVOP - Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program

EC - Enterprise Community

ECI - Employment Cost Index

EEO - Equal Employment Opportunity

EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

EER - Entered Employment Rate

EO - Equal Opportunity

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

ERISA - Employee Retirement Income Security Act

ES - U.S. Employment Service

ESA - Employment Standards Administration

ETA - Employment and Training Administration

EZ - Empowerment Zone

FASAB - Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board

FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation

FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

FECA - Federal Employees’ Compensation Act

FERSA - Federal Employment Retirement Security Act

FESAC - Federal Economics Statistics Advisory Committee

FFMIA - Federal Financial Management Improvement Act

FMFIA - Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act

FLSA - Fair Labor Standards Act

FMLA - Family Medical Leave Act

FY - Fiscal Year

GAO - U.S. General Accounting Office

GMRA - Government Management Reform Act

GPRA - Government Performance and Results Act

GSA - General Services Administration

HHS - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

HIPAA ealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

HUD - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

HVRP - Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Project

ILAB - Bureau of International Labor Affairs

ILO - International Labor Organization

IMIS - Integrated Management Information System

INS - Immigration and Naturalization Service

IPEC - International Program for the Elimination of Child Labor

IRS - Internal Revenue Service

IT - Information Technology

IV&V - Independent Verification and Validation

JOLTS - Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey

JTPA - Job Training Partnership Act

LAUS - Local Area Unemployment Statistics

LMI - Labor Market Information

LMRDA - Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act

LPD - Lost Production Days

LVER - Local Veterans’ Employment Representative

LWDII - Lost Workday Injury and Illness

MOA - Memorandum of Agreement

MOU - Memorandum of Understanding

MSA - Metropolitan Statistical Area

MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Administration

MSPA - Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act

NAFTA-TAA - North American Free Trade Agreement – Transitional Adjustment Assistance

NAICS - North American Industry Classification System

NFDL - Non-Fatal Days Lost

NGO - Non-Governmental Organization

NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

NLSY - National Longitudinal Survey of Youth

NMHPA - Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act

NORA - National Occupational Research Agenda

NSTWO - National School-to-Work Office

OASAM- Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management

OCFO - Office of the Chief Financial Officer

OCIA - Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations

OCIO - Office of the Chief Information Officer

OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

OES - Occupational Employment Statistics

OFCCP - Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs

OIG - Office of the Inspector General

OLMS - Office of Labor-Management Standards

OMB - Office of Management and Budget

OPA - Office of Public Affairs

OPM - Office of Personnel Management OPR Office of Policy and Research

OSBP - Office of Small Business Programs

OSEC - Office of the Secretary

OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OWCP - Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs

PBGC - Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

PPI - Producer Price Index

PRM - Periodic Roll Management

PWBA - Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration

PY - Program Year

QCM - Quality Case Management

SBA - Small Business Administration

SDA - Service Delivery Area

SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission

SESA - State Employment Security Agency

SIC - Standard Industrial Classification

SIMPOC - Statistical Information and Monitoring Program

SOII - Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses

SOL - Office of the Solicitor

SPIR - Standard Program Information Report

SQSP - State Quality Service Plan

SSA - Social Security Administration

STAWRS - Simplified Tax and Wage Reporting System

STW - School-to-Work

TAA - Trade Adjustment Assistance

TANF - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

TAP - Transition Assistance Program

TAPR - Trade Adjustment Participant Report

UI - Unemployment Insurance

USAID - U.S. Agency for International Development

USDA - U.S. Department of Agriculture

USPS - U.S. Postal Service

UTF - Unemployment Trust Fund

VA U.S. - Department of Veterans Affairs

VETS - Veterans’ Employment and Training Service

VPP - Voluntary Protection Program

WARN - Workers Adjustment Retraining Notification Act

WB - Women’s Bureau

WDPM - Workforce Development Performance Measures

WHISARD - Wage Hour Investigator Support and Reporting Database

WIA - Workforce Investment Act

WPRS - Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services

WtW - Welfare-to-Work

YO - Youth Opportunity Grants

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