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The Ironworker Employers Association of Western Pennsylvania, Inc.
March 11, 2005

I. Alliance Background

Date Signed.



The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Pittsburgh Area Office and the Ironworker Employers Association of Western Pennsylvania, Inc. (IWEA) aligned to foster and maintain an open line of communication with each other for the meaningful exchange of information on promoting OSHA compliance and Industry best practices in the Construction Industry.

Implementation Team Members

Bill Ligetti – Executive Director, IWEA
Bob SzymanskI - OSHA Pgh. AO AD
Frank Librich – OSHA Pgh AO Safety Team Leader
Bob Carroll – OSHA Pgh AO CAS

Evaluation Period

March 11, 2004 to March 11, 2005

II. Implementation Team Meetings

April 14, 2004
July 29, 2004
December 16, 2004
March 4, 2005
Conference Call
Conference Call

Crafton, PA
Crafton, PA

III. Events and Products

Training and Education

April 6, 2004 – Steel erection Training Course (Cross training)

Outreach and Communication

August 3, 2004 – Met with Ironworkers Union Representative at request of Bill Ligetti to discuss setting up a future cross training event.

Billl Ligetti and member company representatives called approximately twice a month for discussion on standards and policy information relating to their perspective work sites.

IV. Results

The information provided was well received. In addition, the number of phone calls received discussing various safety and health issues indicate employer representatives are becoming more open to have a meaningful dialogue for the exchange of information relating to safety and health issues at their construction sites.

Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
Steel erection training course (Cross Training) 30
Ironworker Union Rep. Discussion 1

Note: The individuals in attendance at each activity represent companies/union with many employees that would be directly effected by the safety and health information provided.

The working relationship between the Alliance Signatories has been very positive. The positive working relationship resulted in the Signatories signing an Alliance Renewal Agreement extending the Alliance per the Directive.

V. Upcoming Milestones

The Alliance is looking into future opportunities in providing information to affected parties through roundtable discussions and cross-training between OSHA, Employers, and Union Representatives. The Alliance signatories will continue to work together to address the safety and health needs of the affected parties. An Alliance Renewal Agreement was signed (3-4-05) extending the Alliance per the Directive.

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