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January 16, 2009

I. Alliance Background

Renewed 11/28/07

Alliance Overview

Provide local businesses and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect employees’ health and safety particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to fall, amputation, ergonomic, chemical, electrical and other physical hazards and/or addressing implementation of effective safety and health program issues.

Implementation Team Members


Albert D’Imperio – Area Director OSHA Philadelphia Area Office James P Touey– Compliance Assistance Specialist OSHA Philadelphia Area Office

Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter American Red Cross:

Kathleen Cassidy – Director of Health and Safety Services Lynda Connelly – Health and Safety Services Manager David Seltzer- Senior Associate Product Manager

Evaluation Period

November 28, 2007 – November 28, 2008

II. Implementation Team Meetings

January 24, 2008 Implementation Team Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
August 29, 2008 Implementation Team Meeting, Philadelphia, PA

III. Activities and Products

Training and Education

American Red Cross Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter and OSHA‘s Philadelphia Area Office renewed this Alliance Agreement during a signing ceremony on November 28, 2007. The re-signing was followed by a Red Cross/OSHA Alliance Seminar which focused on assisting small business representatives with the development of effective Safety & Health Programs for their entities. Portions of this seminar were conducted with the attendees, under the guidance of an OSHA presenter, interactively using OSHA’s website e-tools to develop a model site specific safety program. The four hour program was attended by approximately 50 small business representatives and has a potential to affect the safety and health of several thousand local employees.

On May 21, 2008, the American Red Cross and OSHA’s Philadelphia Area Office conducted the first in a developed series of “Workplace Preparedness Online Seminars”. The seminar’s focus was geared towards small businesses with topics including: Understanding the Major elements of an effective safety and health program; and developing a successful Safety and Health Management System for small business. This online seminar was attended by approximately forty-five representatives for small businesses throughout the Southeastern Pennsylvania Area.

On October 28, 2008, the American Red Cross and OSHA’s Philadelphia Area Office conducted the second in a developed series of “Workplace Preparedness Online Seminars”. The seminar’s focus was geared towards small businesses with topics including: an Introduction to OSHA and the Inspection Process, OSHA compliance issues and how they impact small business, and reducing worker injury’s leading to costly workers compensation claims. There were approximately 50 safety and health representatives for small businesses in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Area that participated in the seminar.

Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health

The seminar held on November 28, 2007 was attended by several American Red Cross National representatives. The attendance by these representatives was predicated on interest generated by the online training format.

IV. Results

The Workplace Safety Seminar conducted was for new prospective clients of the American Red Cross and topics covered included Emergency Action Plans, First-Aid/CPR/AED’s and Bloodborne Pathogens.

Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
Safety and Training 50
2 Webinars 95

V. Upcoming Milestones

Over the last year of the Alliance Agreement the format for delivering selected safety & health topics and materials has changed from a traditional classroom style training setting to real time, web-based interactive presentations. The change in the format was geared toward reaching a larger and more diversified audience by making the information more accessible to a broader base of recipients. Based on the interest and feedback generated by the two initial co-sponsored online trainings presentations, two additional sessions have been scheduled for the coming year. The parties have agreed to continue to meet quarterly to identify the needs of the target audience.

It is strongly recommended that this Alliance continue.

Report Prepared by: James Touey, CAS, Philadelphia OSHA Area Office
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Page last updated: 03/26/2009