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geer > 2003 > posters > significance of microtopography as a control on surface-water flow in wetlands

Significance of Microtopography as a Control on Surface-Water Flow in Wetlands

Poster presented April 2003, at the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference

Jungyill Choi1, Judson Harvey, and Jessica T. Newlin
U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA
1 - now at S.S. Papadopulos and Associates, Inc., Bethesda, MD

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aerial photo of ridges and sloughs


Microtopography rarely has been considered in wetland surface-water flow models, even though the ground surface often undulates significantly. To our knowledge, no previous model of surface-water flow in the Everglades has considered how microtopography (1) decreases the cross-sectional area available for flow at low water levels, (2) increases flow resistance due to flow over and around microtopographic features, and (3) increases surface-water exchange with sediment porewater.

Site Description

The study area is Water Conservation Area 2A in the central Everglades. The general direction of flow is parallel with the research transect from spillway S10-C toward site U3. Microtopographic data was collected at sites F1 and U3. The surface-water flow model uses two reaches (F1 to F4 and F4 to U3), and simulates surface-water elevations at sites F4 and U3.

map of study area
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Surface-Water Flow Model

The ground-surface elevation in WCA-2A varies by as much as 0.4 m vertically (over a horizontal distance of 100 meters), which is half of the typical annual fluctuation in surface-water depth (0.8 m) in that part of the Everglades. cross section illustrating surface topography
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Rate Law (Hammer and Kadlec, 1986; Kadlec, 1990)

v = Kf * db * Sf l

where v is velocity,
Kf is the flow conductance,
d is the depth,
b is the depth exponent,
Sf is the friction slope, and
l is the slope exponent.

Governing Flow Equation (assume diffusion wave approximation of the momentum equation and the slope exponent is equal to 1 for laminar flow conditions (modified from Hammer and Kadlec, 1986))

fw * Ss *

+ (1 - fw) * Sy *


(fw * Kf * db+1 *

) + (P - ET + GWi)


fw is the fraction of free surface water normal to flow (function of water level and microtopography),
Ss is the surface-water storage coefficient,
h is the surface-water elevation,
Sy is the specific yield of the wetland sediments (i.e. subsurface-water storage coefficient),
P is the precipitation,
ET is the evapotranspiration,
GWi is the ground-water inflow,
t is time, and x is downstream distance.


Fraction of free surface water is estimated from the inverse cumulative distribution of the 100-m scale microtopographic measurements at sites F1 and U3, and is interpolated using a distance-weighted average for site F4.

plot of water-surface elevation versus fraction of cross-sectional area with free surface water for sites F1, F4, U3
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Surface-water storage coefficient is estimated from field measurements of vegetation.

Ss = 1 -
(average dry biomass of vegetation)

(dry particle density of the vegetation)

Storage Coefficient
Value based on field measurements
F1 F4 U3
Ss 0.99 0.97 0.97
Sy 0.7 --- 0.8

Specific yield (i.e., subsurface-water storage coefficient in wetland sediment) is estimated using a mass balance equation where total rainfall is equal to the change in volume of free surface water plus the change in volume of water in the porewater of the wetland sediments.

Mass Balance

[Rainfall depth] * Area = [ fw * DH * Area * Ss ] + [ (1 - fw) * DH * Area * Sy]

where DH is the change in surface-water elevation as a result of the rainfall on the given area.

Stage-Dependency of Flow Parameters

Inverse modeling (using the USGS parameter optimization program, UCODE) shows that the optimal flow parameters (Kf and b) for the dry season are different than the optimal parameters for the wet season.

Dry Season - Low Water Levels at Site F4
graph of low water levels at site F4
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Wet Season - High Water Levels at Site F4
graph of high water levels at site F4
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The inversely estimated flow parameters (Kf and b) and variation of the fraction of free-surface water in a cross section (fw) from wet and dry seasons are correlated with microtopographic measurements to define the stage-dependency of these parameters.

cross section illustration of topographic features and critical stages, flow parameters, and variation of the fraction of free-surface water
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Modeling Results

Comparison of three different models

  Are Kf and b stage-dependent? Is the cross-sectional area of flow controlled by microtopographic data? Is storage-exchange with sediment porewater controlled by microtopographic data?
Model 1 No No No
Model 2 No Yes Yes
Model 3 Yes Yes Yes

graphs of stage over time at site F4 graphs of stage over time at site U3 legend for graphs of stage over time
[Click on the graphs above to view larger images]

The Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of the model 3 simulation was improved over model 1 by 55% at site F4 and 34% at site U3. The incorporation of microtopographic variability, therefore, improves the model's accuracy in simulating the observed data in WCA-2A.

bar graph of Root Mean Squared Error for model 1, 2, and 3 at sites F4 and U3
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A wetland surface-flow modeling approach that incorporates microtopography improves simulations of flow and water level in the Everglades, particularly when water levels are relatively low.

Results of this study indicate that microtopography is a significant control on surface-water flow in the Everglades, especially when the surface-water elevation declines to depths that begin to expose microtopographic highs.

Current modeling efforts focus on objectively determining the critical stages that affect stage-dependence in the flow parameters using an inverse modeling approach.


Hammer, D.E., and Kadlec, R.H. 1986. A model for wetland surface water dynamics: Water Resources Research, vol. 22, no. 13, pp. 1951-1958.

Kadlec, Robert H. 1990. Overland flow in wetlands - vegetation resistance: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 116, no. 5, pp. 691-706.


Funding from South Florida Water Management District (Cooperative Agreement C-10719) and from USGS Place-Based Studies Program are gratefully acknowledged.

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