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Costa Rica Local time: 09:54 PM

Costa Rican Business Service Providers

Geneva Group Costa Rica

Geneva Group Logo

Contact: Luis Montes S., Partner

Ofiplaza del Este, Edificio C
San Jose, Costa Rica

Phone: 506 2280-1718
Fax: 506 2253-6685

In today's international markets, having a strong presence is essential for big and small companies. That's why international contacts are so important. An in-depth understanding of local legal and fiscal differences is a must for businesses to be successful in their cross-border activities.

To achieve this, businesses need access to professional and approachable experts in each country. GENEVA GROUP has a worldwide network of well-established and experienced accounting, consulting and law firms that are committed to providing clients with specialist solutions for their international business requirements.

Our Office in Costa Rica have years of experience all over the world and benefit from the support of a wide range of companies. Our organization covers practically all areas of economic life - from banks, industrial companies and airlines, right down to hotels and restaurants.

For GENEVA GROUP COSTA RICA, it will be an honor to represent your interests, investments, ideals, and necessities of your business. This is why we invite you to be a part of our exclusive group of clients.