Module 3—Selecting the Main Concept

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Review Questions

1. If no pre-coordinated term exists for the concepts in the work being cataloged, prefer to use a main heading with a subheading over two main headings.

Using the MeSH Browser, identify a main heading or combination of main headings to describe each of these concepts:
2. What are the appropriate subject headings to use for a work entitled: Cortisone therapy in dermatology?
650 12 $a Skin Diseases $x drug therapy
     650 12 $a Cortisone $x therapeutic use

650 12 $a Dermatology
     650 12 $a Cortisone $x therapeutic use

650 12 $a Dermatology $x drug therapy
     650 12 $a Cortisone $x therapeutic use
3. What are the appropriate subject headings to use for a work entitled: Pathology of Arbovirus diseases?
650 12 $a Arboviruses
     650 22 $a Pathology

650 12 Arbovirus Infections $x pathology

650 12 $a Arboviruses
     650 12 Arbovirus Infections $x pathology
4. What are the correct subjects to assign to a work on fractures occurring in baseball, soccer, football, hockey?
650 12  Fractures, Bone
     650 12  Sports $x injuries

650 12 Fractures, Bone
     650 22 Athletic Injuries

650 12  Baseball $x injuries
     650 12  Soccer $x injuries
     650 12  Football $x injuries
     650 12  Hockey $x injuries
     650 22  Fractures, Bone 
5. What is the appropriate subject heading to use for a work dealing with: Sodium-free diet?

650 12  $a Diet Therapy
650 12  $a Salt-Free Diet
650 12  $a Diet, Sodium Restricted
650 12 $a Diet, Hypertension
6. What are the appropriate subject headings to use for a work dealing with: X-chromosome studies of female newborns?
650 12  $a Chromosomes, Human, X
     650 22  $a Infant, Newborn
     650 22  $a Female 

650 12  $a Chromosomes, Human, X
     650 22 $a  Infant, Human, Female

650 12  $a Chromosome Studies 
     650 22  $a  Infant, Newborn 

650 12  $a Chromosomes, Human, X
     650 22  $a Infant, Newborn
7. True or False: All subject terms are recorded in the MARC 650 field.
8. True or False: For a work entitled “Food and Beverages that Improve Your Health” the appropriate MeSH would be Food and Beverages.

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Last reviewed: 07 April 2009
Last updated: 07 April 2009
First published: 07 April 2009
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