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Meeting the Challenge of Cleaner Air: United States-Canada Progress under the Air Quality Agreement - 2008

Multiple environmental and health problems (including acid rain, impaired visibility, damaged ecosystems, and respiratory illness) are caused or worsened by air pollution from mobile and stationary emission sources in Canada and the United States. Both nations have an interest in reducing transboundary air pollution. In 1991, the United States and Canada committed to reduce the impact of transboundary air pollution through the United States–Canada Air Quality Agreement (AQA). The AQA established a formal and flexible method of addressing transboundary air pollution and paved the way for cooperation on a variety of air quality issues, including acid rain, ozone, and particulate matter (PM).

This brochure provides an overview of the AQA and features recent progress made by the United States and Canada to control transboundary air pollution under the Agreement. A more complete presentation and discussion of this progress can be found in the 2008 Progress Report at <www.epa.gov/airmarkets/progsregs/usca/index.htm> and <www.ec.gc.ca/cleanair-airpur/ollution_Issues/Transboundary_Air/ Canada_United_States_Air_Quality_Agreement-WS83930AC3-1_En.htm>.

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