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May 9, 2009   
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The U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) and CVS/Caremark (CVS), a recipient of the 2006 Secretary of Labor’s New Freedom Initiative Award, recognize the value of establishing a collaborative relationship to promote the employment of people with disabilities. ODEP and CVS hereby form an Alliance to provide CVS with information, guidance, and access to resources that will help to develop model programs for recruiting, hiring, and advancing employees with disabilities. These models may be shared with the general employer community.

ODEP and CVS will work toward the following training and education goals:

    • Disseminate training and education materials to CVS Human Resources leaders that address disability employment issues and advance recruitment and employment of job candidates with disabilities.
    • Disseminate and share with CVS Human Resources leaders effective disability employment practices of the Secretary of Labor’s New Freedom Initiative Awardees and other employers.

ODEP and CVS will work together toward the following outreach and communication goals:

Outreach and Communication to News/Press

    • As appropriate, disseminate information through print and electronic media.

Outreach and Communication via the Web

    • As appropriate, disseminate information through ODEP’s and CVS’ Web sites.


    • Disseminate, as appropriate, information at conferences and events.
    • Collaborate, as appropriate, on developing and conducting training and education sessions for various conferences and seminars.
    • As appropriate, speak, exhibit, or appear at conferences, meetings or other events to proactively address employment of workers with disabilities.

ODEP and CVS will work together to achieve the following technical assistance goals:

    • Identify technology resources that may provide opportunities to accommodate individuals with disabilities in the workplace.
    • As appropriate, collaborate to develop demonstration employment programs.

ODEP and CVS will work toward the following national dialogue goals:

    • Raise others’ awareness of and demonstrate their own commitment to the advancement of employment for people with disabilities.
    • Develop case studies illustrating the business value of employing people with disabilities and publicize their results.
    • As appropriate, convene or participate in forums, round table discussions, or stakeholder meetings on disability employment in the pharmacy/retail industries to help forge innovative solutions in the workplace on recruiting, hiring, retaining and promoting people with disabilities.

ODEP’s Alliances provide parties an opportunity to participate in a voluntary cooperative relationship with ODEP for purposes such as training and education, outreach and communication and promoting a national dialogue on the employment of people with disabilities. These Alliances could be valuable tools for both ODEP and its Alliance participants. By entering into an Alliance with a party, ODEP is not endorsing any products or services of that party; nor does the Agency enter into an Alliance with the purpose of promoting particular products or services of any party.

An implementation team made up of representatives of both organizations will meet to develop a plan of action, determine working procedures, and identify the roles and responsibilities of the participants. In addition, the parties will meet at least three times per year to track and share information on activities and results in achieving the goals of the Alliance. Team members will include representatives of ODEP’s Policy Teams, Education & Outreach Division, and any other appropriate agreed upon offices.

The parties agree that any conference, seminar or related activity undertaken pursuant to this agreement will be memorialized in a separate agreement. In addition, any proposed jointly developed products, the use of the Department of Labor seal or agency logos, and/or CVS press releases/advertisements related to the Alliance will require advance review and approval by the Department, in coordination with CVS.

This agreement will remain in effect for two years. Either signatory may terminate this agreement for any reason at any time, provided they give 30 days written notice. This agreement may be modified at any time with the concurrence of both signatories.

This agreement is not intended to legally bind the parties, nor is it intended to confer any right upon any private person.

Nothing in this agreement shall be interpreted as limiting, superseding or otherwise affecting either party’s normal operations or decisions in carrying out its statutory or regulatory duties. This agreement does not limit or restrict the parties from participating in similar activities or arrangements with other entities.

This agreement does not itself authorize the expenditure or reimbursement of any funds. Nothing in this agreement obligates the parties to expend appropriations or enter into any contract or other obligations.

_________________ _______ ______________________ _______
Karen M. Czarnecki
Assistant Secretary
Office of Disability
  Employment Policy
Date   Stephen M. Wing
Government Programs CVS/Caremark

WRP logo
Workforce Recruitment Program

business case logo
Business Case

business Sense logo
Business Sense

JAN logo
Job Accommodation Network

EARN works logo
EARN Works

ODEP Summit logo
ODEP Summit

Disability Info Logo
Disability Information Resource

ODEP Circle of Champions logo
Circle Of Champions

ODEP Alliance Logo
Alliance Initiative

Technical Assistance Centers:

Start-Up USA logo
Start-Up USA

NCWD logo
National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability

NCWD logo
National Technical Assistance and Research Center


April 2009

Percentage of people with disabilities in the labor force:


Unemployment rate of persons with a     disability:



Phone Numbers