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2004 Links:


Elk Rituals

Wolf Interaction

Snow in Lamar

Elk at Mammoth


Fall Colors



This Month in Yellowstone
Snow in Lamar

Jim Peaco, Park Photographer, lives in Silver Gate, just outside the Northeast Entrance to the park. He woke in the morning of Friday, Oct. 29 to find that seven inches of snow had fallen there overnight. He stopped twice on his way into work that morning to videotape the snowy scenes for you. The video from the first stop features a frozen waterfall on Barronette Peak. Secondly he shot a bison with snow on its face near Soda Butte Creek. October is a month of changes. We saw the last of the fall colors and the first of the deep snows.

A bison ends up with a snowy facer while foraging fro food after a heavy snowfall.


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