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Stingy Grizzly

New Wolf Pack

River Otters




This Month in Yellowstone
New Wolf Pack Observed

Wolves from a new pack feed on al elk carcass.When Bob Landis noticed wolves on a carcass at Round Prairie on November 11, he saw that there was a pull-off along the road only 200 yards from the wolves.

Since he knows that wolves do not behave naturally with people that close, he continued along the road to another pull-off that was about 500 yards from the wolves.

There he found Doug Smith, Yellowstone Wolf Biologist, already observing the wolves while training a group of winter wolf observers who work for him. They too knew that the other pull-off was too close to allow the observation of natural behavior. While watching the wolves, that fact was born out when they saw the wolves leave when visitors parked in the closer pull-off. While it is not illegal to be closer, responsible observers should not approach closer than 500 yards to wolves.

Observing from a distance paid off well for Bob. He has generously given us permission to use this footage which includes images of wolves feeding on an elk carcass. You will notice that they are hesitant to go down the bank to the carcass. That’s because the bank was very slick with ice. He also filmed a pup chasing ravens and magpies. In one scene an adult wolf carefully breaks the ice at the bank in order to get a drink of water.

The pack they were observing is a new pack. Since none of them are collared we do not know their origin.

A wolf tentatively steps on river ice before breaking through to get a drink of water.
Breaking the Ice to Get a Drink - © 2004 Bob Landis

VIDEO © 2004 Bob Landis

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