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This Month in Yellowstone
Bob Landis - Bird Bullies

Raven chases mallard away from a food source

On March 10, 2005 Bob Landis set up his video camera to shoot some footage of ducks and geese near Blacktail Ponds. Just as he got set up, a raven flew in near the geese to see what they were eating. One of the geese charged the raven to chase it off. The raven retreated to an area that had only mallard ducks. After taking a few bites, the raven charged the closest mallard to chase it off.

VIDEO - ©2005 Bob Landis

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Last Updated: Monday, 27-Feb-2006 13:29:32 Eastern Standard Time /archive/yell/tours/thismonth/march2005/boblandis/birdbullies.htm