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This Month in Yellowstone
Susan Chin - Snowplows Arrive at Canyon Village

Huge snowblower blows snow over the tops of trees

Notes from Susan Chin:

March 4 or 5, I tried to get some video of people leaving the Canyon Village parking lot but think I missed most of it. Then the day got too busy for me to deal with the video camera again. Sorry

The video that I took was on the day that the plows reached Canyon (March 10). The temps were in the mid-30’s, clear skies, a slight breeze. I was hoping to get the bull dozer and wedge plow as they made their way down Cascade Hill to the junction but mistimed it. I thought they would take longer to reach the junction but they made it there by 11AM. So instead I videotaped the dozer clearing the junction so that heavy equipment could turn around. I then shot some footage of the Wedge plow as it left the junction and made its way back to Norris.

Later that day, at about 2PM, the blower came through and was clearing the snow that the plows had scraped up off the asphalt. Because the operator, Royce knew I was shooting video for the web page, he offered me a ride in the blower. So I videoed the blower from inside the cab. I was impressed by how the trees were hit by the blowing snow. I also did not realize at how slow a pace that the blower needed to move. I was told by the road crew that they were able to travel at about 3MPH that day. But in a usual winter, the pace is held to about 2MPH. We have 310 miles of paved roads in the park. No wonder it takes so long open the park after winter!


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Last Updated: Monday, 27-Feb-2006 14:11:35 Eastern Standard Time /archive/yell/tours/thismonth/march2005/Susan/snowplowvideo.htm