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March 2004



Paint Pot

Old Faithful






This Month in Yellowstone
Elk Relax on Opal
and Bison Butt Heads

Elk lounge on Opal Terrace.

While Craig Johnson (Web Technician) was on his way back from an outing to Fountain Paint Pot on March 25, he noticed several elk resting on Opal Terrace, in Mammoth Hot Springs. He stopped to shoot both video and still images for This Month in Yellowstone. The next day, Tom Cawley (Web Coordinator) glanced out of the window of his office during a meeting and noticed a small herd of bison near Liberty Cap. When the meeting adjourned, Tom grabbed the video camera and headed over to shoot the bison who had wandered over to the General Store. They moved onto the lawn across from the grill and restaurant where one especially belligerent young bull butted heads with other youngsters in the herd. Finally they moved to the lawn in front of Albright Visitor Center where the last of this footage was taken.


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