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March 2004



Paint Pot

Old Faithful






This Month in Yellowstone
Bluebirds are a Sure Sign of Spring

A bluebird perches atop sagebrush while looking for his next meal. The low resolution is due to a screen capture from a video image.

On March 25, Tom Cawley (Web Coordinator) went to a location where he had heard that a Dipper was working on a nest under a bridge. He took a quick video of the area, set up the camera on a close-up view of the nest and then left the area so the birds would not be disturbed by his presence. While he waited 30 minutes for the tape to run out, he noticed six male bluebirds vying for the attentions of two females. When he went back to get the video camera two Dippers screamed at him from the bank across the river. Hopefully we will be able to get some video of them later this year while they are bringing food to the nestlings. Before leaving the area Tom shot some video of the bluebirds who are among the best indicators that spring has arrived.


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