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June 2004


Lamar Canyon
Black Bear
Velvet-Antlered Elk
VC Demolition
Cliff Swallows
Bison Calf Frolic


Great Horned Owlets




This Month in Yellowstone
Black Bear - June 11

After leaving the Lamar River Canyon, Jim Peaco (Park Photographer) continued toward Tower Junction where he turned left toward Tower Fall. Just passed Calcite Springs he noticed several cars stopped along the roadside. This is nearly the same location where he saw a black bear the night before so Jim was hopeful that he would be able to shoot some black bear footage for us. It was about 7 p.m. and overcast but bright. Conditions seemed great for video work. He pulled out the Canon Optura PI, that he has decided to carry with him in the car at all times. Once on its tripod he was ready to start shooting bear footage. The timing was wonderful as the bear began to slowly move closer to the road and Jim’s vantage point.

On a couple of occasions visitors moved a little too close for Jim’s taste and despite the fact he wasn’t wearing his uniform, he asked them to move back, which they did without hesitation. It was a great bear viewing opportunity for the visitors who were in the park, and for the rest of us thanks to Jim’s willingness to give up part of his long weekend to shoot the video.

A black bear walks through a thicket


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