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June 2004


Lamar Canyon
Black Bear
Velvet-Antlered Elk
VC Demolition
Cliff Swallows
Bison Calf Frolic


Great Horned Owlets




This Month in Yellowstone
Bison Herd along the Road

On June 10, after a pretty usual work day at Mammoth Hot Springs, Jim Peaco (Park Photographer) headed home to Cooke City. It was a 45 minute drive to reach his home just outside the Northeast Entrance to the park. After passing Tower Junction, Jim was on the last leg of his journey home. He was in Lamar Valley, know for its wolf watching opportunities but Jim’s thoughts were on home rather than wolves. A short way passed the Yellowstone Institute he saw a large herd of bison alongside the road on the right. There were many calves and the light was nice. Jim decided to spend a few minutes shooting some video for "This Month in Yellowstone." He put the Canon Optura Pi on a tripod and took this footage of Lamar Valley bison at about 8 p.m.

An inquitistive bison calf watches a bull bison intently


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