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This Month in Yellowstone
Bob Landis - Wolves

A wolf, caught in mid stride, races across the snow-covered plain.

On January 27 wolves of the Slough Creek Pack gathered at the confluence of Soda Butte Creek and the Lamar River. At 8 am they began running single file down the valley. Bob followed them intently as he knew that the Druid Peak Pack was down the valley. The Druid Peak Pack have claimed this section of the Lamar Valley as their territory for the last 10 years, but recently the Slough Creek Pack has been moving in. The Druid Peak Pack numbers only 7 or 8 wolves while the Slough Creek Pack numbers 16. If the Slough Creek Pack is persistent in their efforts to take over the valley, they are very likely to succeed. [See wolf territory maps.]

It took the Slough Creek Pack about 4 hours to cover the 7 or 8 miles between them and the Druids. As soon as the Druids noticed the large pack running down the hill behind them, they ran quickly toward the camera and off to the right. The Druids retreated across the road and the Slough Creek wolves did not follow. Bob thinks they are concerned about approaching the road. The Druids have been in the area long enough to feel comfortable crossing the road. If they succeed in holding ground in the valley, it may be because they are able to use the road as a barrier behind which they can safely retreat when approached by the larger pack.

After chasing the Druids off, the Slough Creek Pack gathers triumphantly around their alpha female.

VIDEO - ©2005 Bob Landis

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