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2004 Links:


Bison Snow

Wolves On
Thin Ice

Elk Browsing

Bighorn Sheep

Beaver Food


Black Bear Cub




This Month in Yellowstone
Bighorn Sheep

Jim Peaco, park photographer, videoed bighorn sheep in the Gardner River Canyon between Mammoth Hot Springs and Gardiner, Montana, on December 1, 2004. Jim had heard that a black bear cub that had been seen in the Mammoth area for several weeks was in the Mammoth campground. By the time video gear was loaded and Jim drove to the campground, the bear had moved on. While continuing to look for the bear, Jim came across the bighorn sheep. Two rams showed a bit of interest in each other as the mating season lasts until mid-December. The weather that day was more wintry than it appears in the video. Even though the ground was free of snow, the temperatures were in the upper 20s with a strong wind out of the east.

Two bighron sheep.
Bighorn sheep in Gardner Canyon.

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