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April 2004


Grocery Shopping
Uinta Ground Squirrel
Bison & Cranes
Nesting Dippers
Porcelain Basin


Bighorn Sheep




This Month in Yellowstone
Time to do the Grocery Shopping

Bison stop for a snack in the front yard of a Mammoth residence.

On April 22, after working a bit late, Tom Cawley (Webmaster) was hoping to get home, eat some pizza and relax. Unfortunately, when he passed the garages next to his apartment building, he saw a herd of bison totally blocking access to his apartment. After waiting a few minutes to see if the bison planned to move on, Tom saw that they were going to be there for awhile and headed into Gardiner to do the grocery shopping. Yellowstone residents need to be willing to change their personal schedules on a moment's notice.


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