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About this sector

The printing sector is composed of printing, platemaking and bookbinding; printing is by one or more common processes, such as lithography, letterpress, flexography, gravure, and screen printing. Department of Commerce formerly classified this industry under the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification code 27; it is now classified under the 1997 North American Industry Classification SystemExit EPA Disclaimer as 323, 511, and 512.

Compliance Assistance information is based by statute (e.g. Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act) or through compliance incentives and auditing. Multiple statutes may apply to your entity. Information on EPA's compliance monitoring program also is organized by statutory programs. All regulated entities may be subject to EPA's statutory and civil enforcement program.

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Tools and information on how to comply

The following list of resources focuses on federal regulations and is not exhaustive. Additional resources may be available from other parts of EPA or from other federal, state or local agencies.

Under cooperative agreements with EPA, Minnesota, Missouri and New Hampshire have initiated PrintSTEP pilot programs which allow printers to enter into a single enforceable agreement covering multi-media requirements and make certain process modifications without permit revisions.

The Printer's National Assistance Center Exit EPA Disclaimer provides environmental compliance and pollution prevention information to printers, publishers, and packagers.

The Profile of the Printing Industry Sector Notebook is a plain language booklet on environmental problems associated with major U.S. industries. Information includes, but is not limited to, regulatory requirements, pollution prevention techniques, pollutant release data and innovative programs.

National Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse links to public and private compliance assistance materials.

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Printing Sector Highlights

Sector Notebooks

Compliance Assistance Center

Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse

Printing Information Resources

Compliance Assistance | Compliance Monitoring | Compliance Incentives


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