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Criteria Pollutant Reports

  1. Criteria Pollutant Nonattainment Area Report

    This report includes the Number of Counties, Population and Classification with links to counties included in each area. The listing is by State then Area (all criteria pollutants on a single line).

  2. Criteria Pollutant Nonattainment Area Detail Report

    This report contains a listing by State, Area then Pollutant (each pollutant on a separate line).

  3. Currently Designated Nonattainment Areas for All Criteria Pollutants

    This report includes Counties Designated Nonattainment and contains a listing by State, County then Pollutant.

  4. Nonattainment Status for Each County by Year for Each Pollutant

    This report includes Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas with History, and Counties Currently or Previously Designated Nonattainment. The listing is by State, County then Pollutant.

  5. Nonattainment Status for Each County by Year for Each Pollutant, including Previous 1-hour Ozone Counties

    This report is similar to the report #IV above, with the addition of previous 1-hour Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance counties. Included are Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas with History, and Counties Currently or Previously Designated Nonattainment. The listing is by State, County then Pollutant, and includes designated Section 185A and Incomplete/No Data ozone nonattainment areas.

  6. Historical Whole or Part County Nonattainment Status by Year Since 1978

    This report includes Counties Designated Nonattainment as of July 1 in 40 CFR 81, listed by State, County then Pollutant for each year since 1978. This report includes 1-hour Ozone nonattainment area counties. Counties are marked as "P" if part of the county is in nonattainment for the pollutant, or "W" if the whole county in nonattainment for the pollutant.

  7. Historical Whole or Part County Nonattainment Status by Year for TSP and PM-10

    This report includes Counties Designated Nonattainment as of July 1 in 40 CFR 81, listed by State, County then Pollutant for each year since 1978 for TSP and 1991 for PM-10. Counties are marked as "P" if part of the county is in nonattainment for the pollutant, or "W" if the whole county in nonattainment for the pollutant.

  8. County Maps
    1. Map of Number of Pollutants by County Designated Nonattainment - U.S. Map
    2. Map of Number of Pollutants by County Designated Nonattainment or Maintenance - U.S. Map

  9. 40 CFR PART 81 — Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes

    This report includes the entire 40CFR Part 81 as published on the Government Printing Office web site.

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