Jennie Klein
Stewardship Programs Manager
503.226.1565 ext. 222

Service Learning

The Estuary Partnership offers service learning projects to schools and other educational groups. Each project fulfills state and district requirements but the project designs are also flexible enough that they can be personalized to fit each teacher’s particular curriculum requirements. Whenever possible, sites are chosen to minimize transportation costs, give students an “ownership stake” in a nearby natural area, and facilitate teacher’s ability to use the site in future curriculum and service projects.

Service Learning is an educational approach that integrates classroom learning with student service activities and reflection about those experiences into a curriculum of study. Through service learning, students gain and apply academic and social skills by addressing real community needs and on the ground problems. They literally learn through service.

Service learning projects offered by the Estuary Partnership include:

  • Habitat Enhancement and Restoration
  • Schoolyard Stormwater Management
  • Schoolyard Habitat Improvement

See Volunteer Opportunities to learn about upcoming service learning projects.

In addition to the field component, Estuary Partnership service learning projects also include a series of pre trip classroom lessons related to the project. Service learning projects involve a series of classroom lessons that teach students educational concepts related to the service project.

Estuary Partnership service learning projects sites for the 2008-2009 school year include: :

See Volunteer Opportunities to learn about our 2009 Saturday habitat restoration projects.