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Publications Related to Particle Pollution

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Air Quality Criteria Document for Particulate Matter (October 2004): This comprehensive assessment of scientific data about the health and environmental effects of particulate matter is an important part of EPA’s review of its particle pollution standards.

Canada - United States Transboundary Particulate Matter Science Assessment (PDF, 150 pp, 10.7 MB)

Haze: How Air Pollution Affects the View: 1999 EPA brochure explaining what causes haze, how haze-forming pollutants also affect public health and the environment, and the impact of haze on the distance people can see. (PDF, 4 pp, 432 KB)

How Smoke From Fires Can Affect Your Health: It's important to limit your exposure to smoke -- especially if you may be susceptible. This publication provides steps you can take to protect your health.

Introduction to Visibility: 1999 report by the National Park Service and the Colorado State Institute for Research on the Atmosphere. Outlines the basics of how particle pollution and gases obscure the view. (PDF, 79 pp, 3040 KB)

NOx -- How Nitrogen Oxides Affect the Way We Live and Breathe: 1998 EPA brochure describing how nitrogen oxides (NOx) form, why NOx pollution is a concern and how NOx affects human health and the environment.

Particle Pollution and Your Health: Learn who is at risk from exposure to particle pollution, what health effects you may experience as a result of particle exposure, and simple measures you can take to reduce your risk. (PDF, 2 pp, 320 KB)

Plain English Guide to Clean Air Act: This guide provides a brief introduction to the programs, philosophies, and policies in the Clean Air Act--especially those reflected in the latest major changes to the Act in 1990.

The Regional Transport of Ozone: 1998 EPA brochure describing a rule known as the "NOx SIP Call," designed to reduce regional emissions of ozone-contributing nitrogen oxides during the summertime ozone season. NOx also contributes to the formation of particle pollution. (PDF, 4 pp, 249 KB)


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