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Pay As You Throw: The SMART Solution for Decreasing Wastes, Curbing Green House Gases and Saving Money, April 16, 2009

In today’s tough economic climate, U.S. cities and states are struggling to pay for vital services while also trying to create green jobs and curb their climate footprints.  But, is it possible for cities to generate environmental sustainability and economic stability in a fair and equitable way for their citizens?  Good News…Yes!  

Join us to discuss how to most cost-effectively and sustainably conserve both natural AND fiscal resources.  Learn valuable tips about the proven formula for states to be SMART (i.e., Save Money And Reduce Trash) by employing the dynamic duo of a robust education campaign in combination with clear, market-based price signals.

Panelists will provide a general background on why economic incentives are so imperative and then, specifically show the most recent findings on the SMART program of Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT).  PAYT charges for garbage services like a utility rather than out of the tax base or a flat fee in order to motivate people to conserve our natural and financial resources.  Come ready to engage, challenge and to learn.


Jan Canterbury, Environmental Protection Specialist, USEPA, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery.

Pay-As-You-Throw: The SMART City Solution (PDF) (22 pp, 2.1MB, About PDF)

Diane Duva,  Assistant Director of Waste Engineering and Enforcement, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.  Her Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance administers the state’s waste and pesticide management programs.
Ms. Duva will describe the exciting success and innovative outreach efforts of the PAYT programs in the State of Connecticut.

SMART Waste Management to Reduce Disposal and Increase Recycling (PDF) (27 pp, 1.9MB, About PDF)
Kristen Brown, Managing Partner with Green Waste Solutions.  Ms. Brown is leading the EPA’s American Big City (ABC) campaign to provide technical assistance to municipal and elected officials on implementing the SMART (Save Money and Reduce Trash) program.  She has 20 years of environmental experience with both government and industry and will provide lessons on best practices (both environmentally and financially) for adopting PAYT.
SMART Waste Management: Changing the Way Americans Value Trash (PDF) (20 pp, 863, About PDF)


PAYT Web site

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