Special Events Calendar
Conserving the Nature of America


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Event Category: Other Special Event
Date of Event: May 10, 2009 (Sunday)
Time of Event: 0800 to 1200
Event Site: Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge
Event Description: The public is invited to join the staff and friends of the Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge in celebrating 50 years of existence! The Refuge was established in 1959 by the Migratory Bird Commission and has been managed as a unit of the National Wildlife Refuge System. The event, billed as a weekend of Wildlife, Wildlands, and History, will offer in-the-field natural history classes on land birds; aquatic birds; aquatic botany; area geology with an emphasis on where our water comes from; Refuge archeology; and a class entitled Fish Springs the Crossroads which looks at the many important pioneer trails that passed through the Refuge. All classes require pre-registration to ensure a slot. Class size will be limited to 20 students. The registration form can be found at the Refuge website Special Events page. One can also be acquired by calling or emailing the Refuge and requesting one be mailed to you. Registration deadline is May 1. Camping will be allowed on the refuge Friday May 9 and Saturday May 10. There will be a group potluck dinner on Saturday and a “Campfire” program by Refuge Manager Jay Banta and some surprise guests! For detailed information: Email request to: fishsprings@fws.gov Or please call the Refuge from 7 a.m. to 4:30 pm, M—F. (435) 831-5353, ext. 2 Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge P.O. Box 568 Dugway, UT 84022
Geographic Region: US - Mountain-Prairie
State/Province: Utah
Contact Information: For detailed information: Email request to: fishsprings@fws.gov Or please call the Refuge from 7 a.m. to 4:30 pm, M—F. (435) 831-5353, ext. 2 Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge P.O. Box 568 Dugway, UT 84022
Event URL: http://fishsprings.fws.gov


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Last updated: February 3, 2009