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Statements and Speeches

» Hoyer Statement on the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, April 29, 2009
This legislation—The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act—is a powerful statement of some of our most important American values: tolerance, respect for differences, and accountability for those who are driven to violence by hate.
» Hoyer Joins Blue Dogs at a Press Conference on the Budget and PAYGO, April 29, 2009
I am pleased to be here with the Blue Dog leadership, who supported the budget conference report that passed the House today.
» Hoyer Statement on Budget Conference Report, April 29, 2009
Today, the House has the rare opportunity to set America on a responsible course for the future, a course of lasting, broadly-shared prosperity.
» Hoyer Statement on Best Buddies Empowerment for People with Intellectual Disabilities Act, April 22, 2009
I am proud to speak in favor of this bill supporting Best Buddies, an organization dedicated to the social integration of children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
» Hoyer Statement on the House Democratic Budget, April 02, 2009
Today, with the passage of this budget resolution, the House has the opportunity to set America’s priorities for years to come and build a sustainable, widely-shared recovery.
» Hoyer Announces House to Vote on DC House Voting Rights Act Next Week, February 25, 2009
With today’s markup, Congress is one step closer to bringing representation to the people of this city. And I am happy to report that I, with the help of the three distinguished Members here with me, will bring the DC voting rights bill to the floor of the House next week.
» Hoyer Statement on American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Conference Report, February 13, 2009
Today, after weeks of debate, and in the depths of an economic crisis that has already claimed more than three and a half million American jobs, we begin our recovery.
» Hoyer Speaks on Bipartisanship, Regular Order at Georgetown University's Transition Conference, February 12, 2009
Every four or eight years, we have a transition to a new Administration. But the transition we marked last month was a special one.
» Hoyer Congratulates Congressman Dingell on Historic Milestone, February 11, 2009
Today, we honor a man who has sat in this chamber for nearly a quarter of its existence: John Dingell of Michigan.
» Hoyer: Bush Leaves Budget Legacy of Deep Deficits and an Economic Crisis, February 09, 2009
We are here today to be honest with the American people. They need to know that this economic crisis will not end overnight. And they need to know one of the prime reasons why: the deep, deep fiscal hole we have inherited after eight years of former President Bush’s recklessness.
» Hoyer Statement on State Children's Health Insurance Program, February 04, 2009
If you can afford healthcare in America, there is no better place in the world to be sick: You’ll be treated at the best hospitals, by the most skilled doctors, with the latest technology.
» Hoyer Statement on American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, January 28, 2009
As you know, we are dealing with one of the worst economic climates in memory: 2.6 million jobs lost last year; the worst housing market since the Great Depression; financial turmoil that has threatened the savings and retirements of millions.
» Hoyer Statement on Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, January 27, 2009
I am proud that one of the very first bills passed by this House in the 111th Congress was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
» Hoyer Testifies in Support of DC Voting Rights, January 27, 2009
Thank you for inviting me to testify on an issue that tests, every year, our commitment to the democratic principles we voice here so often and with such certainty.
» Hoyer Statement on Resolution Disapproving Release of Remaining TARP Funds, January 22, 2009
I don’t often quote myself. But today, I think that every Member of this House is thinking back to words we said in a similar debate four months ago, and wondering whether we can still stand by them.
» Hoyer Statement on State Children's Health Insurance Program, January 14, 2009
If you want a picture of American healthcare, in all its excellence and squalor, there it is: The best doctors, the latest technology, six weeks of hospital care for a sick boy, at a cost of $250,000—in a country that can’t find $80 to fix a toothache.
» Hoyer Statement on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, January 09, 2009
The value of work lies in a job well done, not in the gender of the worker.
» Hoyer Statement on Israel Resolution, January 09, 2009
Today this House stands united in support of Israel as it faces enemies bent on its destruction.
» Hoyer: Reforms to House Rules Enable Congress to Work More Effectively, January 06, 2009
Two years ago, Democrats were elected to the majority with a pledge that, under our leadership, the House would dedicate itself to integrity and accountability. We kept that promise.
» Hoyer Statement on Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act, December 10, 2008
This bill is designed to give the automakers the time and space they need to become a competitive, job-creating industry once again.
» Hoyer Accepts Award from Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations on Behalf of Congress, December 04, 2008
Some awards mark a job well done. This one marks a responsibility that endures: our responsibility to an ally and a friend, a partner for peace and a fellow democracy, the State of Israel; our responsibility to stand by Israel and the Jewish people in a world where friends so often seem outnumbered by threats.
» Hoyer Speaks at National Press Club on Historic Election, Congressional Agenda, November 18, 2008
» Hoyer: An Emergency Like This Calls for the Courage to Compromise, October 03, 2008
On Monday, the salient dividing line in this House was not between parties: It was between those who understood the dangers of doing nothing, and those who had yet to be convinced.
» Hoyer Floor Statement on Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, September 29, 2008
» Hoyer Floor Statement on Renewable Energy and Job Creation Tax Act, September 25, 2008
I support this bill for two reasons. First, because it provides essential tax relief to American families and businesses. And second—and just as importantly—because it is paid for.


Displaying Statements and Speeches 1 to 25 of 265
» 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-265

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