National Park Service Arrowhead Banner showing Roosevelt Arch, the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park.
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For Kids of All Ages

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Junior Ranger Program

Windows Into Wonderland


A correct image of bull elk with antlersAn incorrect image of a rabbit with deer horns!

Welcome to
the Antler
& Horn
Match Games

How to Play:

Pick one of the 4 games below and you will be given a Yellowstone animal photo with no antlers or horns.  You simply click on the antlers or horns that you think match the animal.  Nothing to it!! When you've chosen the right match try choosing the others to see what kind of imaginary creatures you can make. Be sure to click on the antlers/horns you want to select. Don't try to drag them. That won't work.

Start by clicking on one of these games:

Game One LinkGame Two LinkGame Three LinkGame Four Link

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Last Updated: Wednesday, 22-Dec-2004 10:09:22 Eastern Standard Time /archive/yell/kidstuff/AHgame/index.htm