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High School Sophomores Who Left Without Graduating Within 2 Years
Table 27-2.  Percentage of spring 2002 high school sophomores who had left school without completing a 4-year program as of spring 2004, by student characteristics, academic achievement, school experiences, and school characteristics

Characteristic Percent

    All sophomores 7.8
Student characteristics  
  Male 8.9
  Female 6.7
  White 6.0
  Black 10.8
  Hispanic 12.7
  Asian/Pacific Islander 3.8
  American Indian 9.6!
  More than one race 9.3
Parents’ education  
  Less than high school 18.5
  High school diploma or equivalent 11.7
  Some college 7.3
  Bachelor’s degree or higher 4.4
Socioeconomic status (SES)2  
  Lowest quarter 14.8
  Middle two quarters 7.1
  Highest quarter 2.4
English is the student’s first language  
  Yes 27.2
  No 11.5
Academic achievement  
Mathematics achievement in spring 20023  
  Lowest quarter 14.8
  Middle low quarter 10.6
  Middle high quarter 4.6
  Highest quarter 1.9
Ever in remedial mathematics class  
  Yes 10.4
  No 6.9
Student must pass a test to receive a high school diploma  
  Yes 8.2
  No 6.1
School experiences  
Number of times absent from school in the current school year  
  Never 3.5
  1–2 times 4.2
  3 or more 10.7
How many times suspended or placed on probation  
  Never 5.9
  1–2 times 20.0
  3 or more 30.7
How many friends dropped out of high school  
  None 2.8
  A few 10.6
  Some 15.7
  Most or all 25.9
Ever repeated grades 8–10  
  Yes 38.6
  No 5.5
School characteristics  
School control  
  Public 8.3
  Private 1.6
Percent of 10th-graders in school in spring 2002 who
  were eligible for free or reduced-price lunch
  0–5 4.1
  6–20 7.1
  21–50 9.6
  51–100 11.2

! Interpret data with caution (estimates are unstable).

1Black includes African American, Hispanic includes Latino, Pacific Islander includes Native Hawaiian, and American Indian includes Alaska Native. Race categories exclude Hispanic origin unless specified.

2The socioeconomic status (SES) variable is a composite based on parents’ educational attainment, occupations, and family income. See supplemental note 7 for more detail about the SES variable construction.

3Mathematics achievement is measured using a comprehensive assessment of mathematical ability that is similar to the mathematics assessments of the National Assessment of Educational Progress. The test items range from simple number operations to the solution of complex equations.

NOTE: This indicator shows the percentage of high school students in the spring of their sophomore year who, in the spring 2 years later, were not in school and had not graduated with a regular diploma or certificate of attendance. The 1 percent of sophomores who left school and earned a General Educational Development (GED) certificate or other form of equivalency certificate as of the spring 2 years later are counted as having left school without a regular diploma or certificate of attendance.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002/04), “First Follow-up, Student Survey, 2004,” previously unpublished tabulation (January 2006).

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