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2250 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Interior of SeaGrant office trailer.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2251 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Large military helicopters helping with levee repair.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2252 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Large military helicopter carrying seven tons of sand each load help repair the levee.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2253 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Pre-Katrina Premier Bait Shop.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2254 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Post-Katrina Premier Bait Shop.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2255 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Exterior of Premier Bait Shop post-Katrina. No bait, no fishermen.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2256 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Total infrastructure damage shut down Plaquemines Parish commercial fishing. Virtually all fish processing facilities were similarly affected.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2257 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. A planning and evaluation meeting to help get the fisheries infrastructure rebuilt.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2258 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Wayne and Nancy Weikel meeting with local fishermen 44 days after Katrina.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2259 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Holding the initial stakeholder town meeting with local fishermen .
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2260 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Using a boat bottom as an information bulletin board.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2261 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Coast Guard case number painted on fishing boat.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2262 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Parish Government forum meeting to discuss fisheries issues.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2263 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. 85% of regional fisheries harvest vessels were disabled by Hurricane Katrina.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2264 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. 4000 commercial and 25000 recreational vessels were disabled or destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2265 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. A Grand Bayou school boat pre-Katrina.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2266 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. A Grand Bayou school boat sunk at its moorings post-Katrina.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2267 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Daybrook Menhaden boats swept inland.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2268 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Daybrook Menhaden boats swept inland.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2269 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Daybrook Menhaden boats swept inland. Beginning the refloating operations.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2270 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Coast Guard barge used for clearing waterways.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2271 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Coast Guard barge used for salvaging boats and clearing waterways.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2272 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Sometimes it was difficult to tell debris from salvageable boats.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2273 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Sunken vessels obstructing waterways.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2274 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. A melange of vessels swept ashore during Katrina.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2275 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. A unique Rules of the Road situation. Who has the right-of-way?
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2276 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Debris swept far from its original location.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2277 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. No homes for the local populace to go home to as many were destroyed during Katrina.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2278 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Sediment and debris filling a local waterway.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2279 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Sediment and debris make it difficult to tell if this is still a navigable waterway.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2280 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Private contractors helped clear waterways and salvage vessels.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2281 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Coast Guard representative being interviewed - helping get the word out to local fishermen about issued affecting them.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2282 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Cranes with slings helping salvage and refloat boats.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2283 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. St. Bernard Parish was hit equally hard by Hurricane Katrina.
St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana
2284 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Fisheries refrigerator truck with front end in the water following Hurricane Katrina.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2285 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Ice plant that took 370 days to produce again post-Katrina.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2286 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Within a year of Katrina, 30% of boats were operational again.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2287 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Hazmat cleanup crews clean out refrigerator facilities following Katrina.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2288 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Re-starting the Venice Docks following Katrina.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2289 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. First post-Katrina shrimp processing.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2290 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Private boat recovery following Katrina.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2291 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Boat recovery with slings but no spreaders.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2292 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Private boat recovery efforts.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2293 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. A heavy ship lift was needed to help recover and refloat the boat s of Plaquemines Parish.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2294 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. All that remained of the Plaquemines Parish heavy lift.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2295 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Rusty Gaude and Washington State SeaGrant specialist confer about acquiring heavy lift.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2296 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. SeaGrant arranges with city of Valdez, Alaska to transport surplus heavy lift to Plaquemines Parish. Heavy lift shown here passing into Plaquemines Parish following one month trip from Valdez in the dead of winter.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2297 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Assembling the Valdez Travel Lift.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2298 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Valdez Travel Lift pre-assembly.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2299 thumbnail picture
Image from FEMA/SeaGrant PowerPoint Presentation by Wayne and Nancy Weikel and Rusty Gaude. Dedication of the Valdez Travel Lift ceremony.
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007