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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Research Programs and Projects at this Location
ARS research is organized into National Programs. Within each National Program are research projects. Listed below are the National Programs and research projects currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a National Program (NP) will take you to the main ARS site for more information on the program. Clicking on a research project title will take you to more information on the project.

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Agricultural System Competitiveness and Sustainability (NP #216)
Enhanced Midwestern Cropping Systems for Sustainability and Environmental Quality
Integrated Farming Systems (NP #207)
Development and Assessment of Risk Management Tools for Agronomic Crop Production
Sustainable Cropping Systems for Harvesting Corn Stover for Biomass
Evaluation of Airborne Remote to Assess Field Conditions and Spatial Variability
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Field Scale Evaluation of Nitrogen, Carbon, Soil Water, and Crop Growth Interactions
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Incorporation of Field-Scale Risk Assessment Tools into I-Farm for Use by Consultants and Producers
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Information Exchange and Assessment of Agricultural Practices Across the United States
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Manure and Byproduct Utilization (NP #206)
Alternative Management Practices for Farming Systems Utilizing Manure
Soil Resource Management (NP #202)
Alternative Management Practices for Farming Systems Utilizing Manure
Enhanced Midwestern Cropping Systems for Sustainability and Environmental Quality
Water Availability and Water Management (NP #211)
Alternative Management Practices for Farming Systems Utilizing Manure
Water Quality Improvement from Management Practices in Agricultural Watersheds
Conservation Effects Assessment Project
Development and Assessment of Risk Management Tools for Agronomic Crop Production
Development of a Gis-Based Rusle2 Interface Template for Use with Iowa¿s Lidar Digital Elevation Data
Sustainable Cropping Systems for Harvesting Corn Stover for Biomass
Development of a Gis-Based Rusle2 Interface Template for Use with Iowa's Lidar Digital Elevation Data
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Development of a Gis-Based Rusle2 Interface Template for Use with Iowa's Lidar Digital Elevation Data
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Airborne Remote to Assess Field Conditions and Spatial Variability
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Field Scale Evaluation of Nitrogen, Carbon, Soil Water, and Crop Growth Interactions
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Incorporation of Field-Scale Risk Assessment Tools into I-Farm for Use by Consultants and Producers
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Information Exchange and Assessment of Agricultural Practices Across the United States
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
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Last Modified: 05/06/2009
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