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Features & Tools

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AQUATOX has been designed to be user-friendly and to provide maximum flexibility. Numerous features have been included to facilitate the modeling process, from model setup and data input, presentation and analysis of results, to easy export of results to spreadsheet programs for additional analysis.

Model setup

AQUATOX is designed to provide maximum control and flexibility in model setup.

Aquatox study overview screenshot, showing the Study Wizard, to help through study setup

AQUATOX has a flexible study setup

Aquatox study overview screenshot, giving option to run 'controlled' versus 'perturbed' simulations

AQUATOX Study Overview

Data input

AQUATOX is designed to provide a realistic representation of aquatic ecosystems with a minimal amount of detailed site specific information or site calibration.

AQUATOX can accept input data in a wide variety of formats and sources.

Required input data

AQUATOX comes bundled with data libraries that provide default data. This is of particular importance for the biological data, which are probably the most difficult for a user to obtain. We continue to add to these libraries to include parameters for more species of animals and plants and more chemicals.

You can now link to BASINS, EPA's GIS and water quality modeling system. This allows you to take pollutant loading predictions from the HSPF or SWAT watershed models and input them directly to AQUATOX.

Environmental loadings can be from multiple sources

Model output and analysis of results

AQUATOX provides output in terms of time varying biomass of the various plants and animal, chemical concentrations in water, and concentrations of the organic toxicant in water, organic sediments and biota. It has numerous features to assist in display and analysis of results.

Model output and analysis of results screenshot, showing graphic capability

Graph and analyze your results easily

Uncertainty analysis

Showing the results of an uncertainty analysis

Assign Distribution to Variables

There are many sources of variability and uncertainty when modeling ecosystems. AQUATOX allows the user to evaluate model uncertainty by varying the value or distribution of input parameters, or to test the sensitivity of a given endpoint to specific inputs.

Showing the results of testing the sensitivity of a given endpoint to specific inputs

Sensitivity Analysis

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