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TRI-MEdesktop/CD Software

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TRI-MEdesktop/cd is a predecessor of TRI-MEweb that requires the download of an application to a computer. The desktop version of the TRI-ME software is an interactive, intelligent, user friendly software tool that guides facilities through the TRI reporting experience.

TRI-MEdesktop/cd will no longer be available in Reporting Year (RY) 2009

EPA considers TRI-MEweb to be the TRI reporting software of the future. Currently, EPA plans to offer TRI-MEdesktop/cd software through the RY2008 reporting period and then discontinue the application.

Download TRI-MEdesktop/cd software RY2008

What is TRI-MEdesktop/cd?

By leading prospective reporters through a series of logically ordered questions, TRI-MEdesktop/cd streamlines the analysis needed to determine if a user must complete a Form R Report or Form A Certification Statement for a particular chemical. For those facilities required to report, the software provides the user with guidance for each data element on the reporting forms.

For the more experienced reporter, TRI-MEdesktop/cd allows direct data entry onto electronic versions of the Form R and Form A Certification Statement. The application will check the data for common errors and then prepare the forms. All of the information contained in the Reporting Forms and Instructions book is contained within the application.

TRI-ME allows the user to submit the forms via the Internet through EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) or on diskette.

Use the table below to find prior versions of TRI-MEdesktop/cd software.

Prior Versions of TRI-MEdesktop/cd
Reporting Year
Windows 98, 2000, NT & XP
Windows 98, 2000, NT & XP
Windows 98, 2000, NT & XP
Windows 98, 2000, NT & XP
TRI-Reporting Software
(TRI-ME RY2003)

Windows 95b, 98, 2000, ME, NT & XP
TRI-Reporting Software
(TRI-ME RY2002)

Windows 95b, 98, 2000, ME, NT & XP
TRI-Reporting Software
(TRI-ME! v2.0, ATRS 2001, and the TRI Assistance Library)

Windows 95b, 98, 2000, ME, NT & XP
ATRS 2000
Windows 3.1, 95 & 98

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What is the TRI-MEdesktop/cd tutorial?

This TRI-MEdesktop/cd tutorial assists TRI reporters with the TRI-ME reporting software. Within the tutorial, you will have the option to view several topics. Click on the topic heading you are interested in or start from the beginning and watch the entire tutorial. If you are experiencing technical difficulties or have questions, please send an email to the TRI Program.

This tutorial has an audio component. Please adjust speakers. For audio script, please download the TRI-MEdesktop/cd tutorial presentation (PDF). (25 pp, 548KB, About PDF)

Please note that this tutorial uses screen shots from the RY 2005 version of TRI-MEdesktop/cd however the basic information presented in the tutorial is valid for the current reporting year.

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What is the TRI Assistance Library?

The TRI Assistance Library (TRIAL) contains electronic versions, or links to electronic versions, of the statutes, regulations, executive orders and all commonly used guidance materials available to assist reporters in understanding the TRI reporting requirements. In the Contents tab the user can select a document for viewing. Specifically, the Contents tab contains, or links to, the following:

Download TRI Assistant Library software RY2008

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Can I Use the desktop version of TRI-ME software if I Have My Own TRI Software?

Yes. Some facilities have their own software or use private software to assist in preparing their TRI reports. This "third party software" is often designed to produce output files that match EPA's Magnetic Media File Formats (sometimes called the TRI 18 flat files). These file formats can be found below. You may load flat files created based on these formats directly into the TRI-MEdesktop/cd software and then use the application to check your forms for common errors. You can then also use TRI-MEdesktop/cd to submit the forms to U.S. EPA and your state.

Current Version:
Prior Year Versions:

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