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Exposure and Fate Assessment Screening Tool Version 2.0 (E-FAST V2.0)

What Does E-FAST V2.0 Do?
Provides screening-level estimates of the concentrations of chemicals released to air, surface water, landfills, and from consumer products. E-FAST Version 2 is being designed to support both our new chemicals and existing chemical programs. Estimates provided are potential inhalation, dermal and ingestion dose rates resulting from these releases. Modeled estimates of concentrations and doses are designed to reasonably overestimate exposures, for use in screening level assessment.

How Does E-FAST V2.0 Work?
E-FAST V2.0 calculates appropriate human potential dose rates for a wide variety of chemical exposure routes and estimates the number of days per year that an aquatic ecotoxicological concern concentration will be exceeded for organisms in the water column. Version 2 includes a new entry page where the user enters physical/chemical property and chemical fate information. The user selects the exposure modules that need to be run in E-FAST 2 and this will determine what p-chem and fate information is required. E-FAST 2 also uses the Screen 3 ambient air model to estimate outdoor air exposures. E-FAST 2 will also have the capability of identifying endangered species which could be exposed to environmental releases when site-specific release information is available.

What Do I Need to Use E-FAST V2.0?
To execute the E-FAST V2.0 model in order to assess general population exposure and aquatic environmental exposure and risk resulting from industrial releases, you will need to enter: amount of chemical releases; media of release; days per year of release; certain chemical properties; where possible, detailed release location data; if no detailed location data is available, generic industry codes can be applied. To execute the consumer exposure assessment modules in E-FAST V2.0, the user will need to enter: the type of product; weight fraction; vapor pressure; and molecular weight.

How Are E-FAST V2.0 Data Used?
The program produces a summary sheet with multimedia concentrations from multiple release activities. Risk assessors can use the potential dose estimated by E-FAST V2.0 in assessing potential exposure and risk at a screening level. EPA intends to add an exposure summary report generator to a future version of E-FAST. This would also prompt the user to enter monitoring data and information if available, instead of using model estimates.

What Type of Computer System Do I Need?
An IBM-compatible with Windows® 95 or later, with 32 MB RAM and 85 MB hard disk space, and at a minimum a Pentium processor or equivalent.

What's New?
E-FAST Version 2 is now available. The consumer exposure portions of E-FAST have been peer reviewed by experts outside EPA, and EPA has developed E-FAST V2.0 using the external peer review comments for the general population, down-the-drain, environmental exposure and risks aspects of E-FAST. This model was developed under contract by Versar Inc. for the EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Economics, Exposure, and Technology Division, Exposure Assessment Branch (EAB). Click the link below for a more detailed description of updates found in E-FAST V2.0.

To download the latest version of E-FAST, visit the Download E-FAST page.

Description of updates to E-FAST V2.0

E-FAST V2.0 Questions/Answers

E-FAST V2.0 Computer-Based Training Introductory Course

Exposure And Fate Assessment Screening Tool Version 2.0 (E-FAST V2.0) Documentation Manual (PDF file, 4.7 MB)

[PDF] PLEASE NOTE: the documentation manual linked from this page is in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). To view or print them you will need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader program installed on your computer. The Reader can be downloaded and used with no charge; for more information at EPA about PDF files.

Who Can I Call for More Information?
For more information about the model, contact:
Conrad Flessner
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. (7406M)
Washington, DC 20460
Phone # (202) 564-8541
e-mail: Conrad Flessner

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