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Subsurface Characterization and Monitoring Techniques

An interactive, multimedia version of the two-volume, EPA reference entitled "Subsurface Characterization and Monitoring Techniques" by R. Boulding.  The documents include 1- to 2-page descriptions of more than 280 site characterization and field monitoring methods for detecting ground-water contamination and other aspects of the subsurface at hazardous waste sites. Geological and hydro-geological characterization topics covered include surface and borehole approaches, geophysical methods, and solids sampling; drilling; aquifer tests and ground-water sampling; water-state measurement and monitoring; vadose zone hydraulic conductivity/flux measurement; vadose zone water budget characterization; vadose zone soil-solute sampling and gas monitoring; and field chemical analytical methods. This electronic version of the guide (originally released as a CD-ROM) includes graphic support with animation and hypertext links that make all text readily accessible.

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National Exposure Research Laboratory
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