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A public-domain software package developed by EPA to facilitate the collection and analysis of geoenvironmental data. The term "geoenvironmental" includes soil, geologic, and ground-water data collected to assess or monitor environmental conditions at a site. Major GEOS functions include easy data entry (standard database format allows the user to enter data in a spreadsheet format); simple data management and reporting (such as sorts and queries); preliminary site visualization (contouring of soil and ground-water chemical concentration isopleths, creation of actual and interpolated geologic cross sections, and viewing of well screen intervals in relation to subsurface geology); data exchange (existing GRITS/STAT facility data can be imported into GEOS for contouring of ground-water quality data using the PSV module); access to other geoenvironmental software (GEOS provides a convenient framework for moving between multiple programs).

Environmental Sciences | Research & Development
National Exposure Research Laboratory
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