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Reporting on Municipal Solid Waste: A Local Issue

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Reporting on Municipal Solid Waste: A Local Issue (PDF) (82 pp, 3.7MB, about PDF)

The "Reporter's Guide" is a Windows software application that presents background information to assist print and broadcast media in understanding municipal solid waste (MSW) issues. It examines the

This booklet includes information sources, major laws affecting MSW management, MSW management state-by-state, and compounds and metals for groundwater detection monitoring.

Download the "Reporter's Guide" Windows software (ZIP) (767 KB- Self-Extracting ZIP file)

Help Downloading the File

Example Dialog Box (Yours May Differ)
dialog box

If you see this dialog box, or one like it, click on "Save File..." and accept the suggested filename. A progress bar will then appear. When the bar is complete and disappears, continue to the next step.

Microsoft Windows 3.1, 95 and NT users: "w16-rept.exe" is a self-extracting ZIP file.When the download is complete, find the "w16-rept.exe" file where you instructed the browser to save it, and double-click to start the extraction process. When extraction is complete find the file "install.exe" to begin the installation process.

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Help Installing the Software

  1. Download the file to your local hard drive as explained above.
  2. Locate the file "w16-rept.exe" using your Windows browser (File Manager or Windows Explorer).
  3. Execute the file (Double Click on the file) and a Dialog box will appear on the screen.
  4. Select a directory to extract the files to, we recommend "c:\tempinst".
  5. After selecting a target directory (c:\tempinst or other sub-directory) press the EXTRACT button. The files will be extracted into this temporary directory
  6. Return to the C:\tempinst directory and locate the file INSTALL.exe
  7. Double Click the INSTALL.exe file from your browser to begin the tool book installation program.
  8. Note: Install both applications listed in the dialog box (the instructions refer to an older version of the MSW Fact book)
  9. A program group will be created along with two icons. Exit the install program and launch the "MSW Repguide"
  10. The program is very easy to use and online help is available.

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Technical Information

The 'Reporter's Guide" will only run on IBM compatible PC's equipped with Microsoft Windows and a mouse or other pointing device. The files are compressed and may only be expanded by running 'install.exe' from Windows. The install program will create the directory, copy and expand the files, create a Windows program element and icons, and establish the association between Runtime Tool book and the application files.

The "Reporter's Guide" is public domain software, and as such may be freely downloaded, may be installed on multiple PC's and networks, and may be freely copied and redistributed. The included Runtime Version 1.5 of Tool Book is a copyrighted product of the Asymetrix Corp., Bellvue, WA, and may only be copied as a part of the "Reporter's Guide" application.

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