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EF/PCS Image Overview

The Permit Compliance System (PCS) provides information on companies which have been issued permits to discharge waste water into rivers. You can review information on when a permit was issued and expires, how much the company is permitted to discharge, and the actual monitoring data showing what the company has discharged. The Water Discharge Permits Query allows you to retrieve preselected data from the PCS database in Envirofacts. You can narrow your search by selecting various options including facility name, geographic location, standard industrial classification, and chemicals. You may also use the PCS Customized Query to retrieve data and design a query for your particular needs, using any data element available from the Envirofacts Warehouse. Customized Queries are primarily geared toward more experienced users. There is also information on related laws and regulations.

For the technical user there is a graphic model of the PCS database and table and column information.

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