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The Multimedia Exposure Assessment Model (MULTIMED) for exposure assessment simulates the movement of contaminants leaching from a waste disposal facility. The model consists of a number of modules which predict concentrations at a receptor due to transport in the subsurface, surface air, or air. To enhance the user-friendly nature of the model, separate interactive pre- (PREMED) and post-processing (POSTMED) programs allow the user to create and edit input and plot model output.

Current Version: 1.01
Release Date: December 1992
Development Status: General Release
Development Information: Release Notes - changes and known deficiencies
Operating System: DOS
Development Language: FORTRAN
Intended Audience: Environmental Scientist/Regulator
Key Words: assessment, chemistry, discharge, environmental effects, facilities, waste generation, groundwater, hydrology, lakes, risk, rivers, streams, surface water, test/analysis
Related Web Sites: None Available

Text Files (ASCII Format)
File Name File Description
ABSTRACT.TXT Summary of functions, theory, and applicability.
README.TXT Important installation and usage information.

Download Files
File Type /
File Name /
Format /
File Description
Install /
Self-extracting Executable /
3.5 MB
Setup file for version 1.01 of the MULTIMED system. See README1ST.TXT and READMETOO.TXT for important installation instructions. INSTALMM.EXE installs MULTIMED software and documentation and must be executed from DOS or a DOS command prompt.
Data /
ASCII Text /
10 KB
Default data file for MULTIMED Subtitle D applications.

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