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The U.S. EPA's Wellhead Analytic Element Model, WhAEM2000 for Windows (98/NT/2K/XP), is a groundwater geohydrology computer program. WhAEM2000 is a public domain, ground-water flow model designed to facilitate capture zone delineation and protection area mapping in support of the State's Wellhead Protection Programs (WHPP) and Source Water Assessment Planning (SWAP) for public water supplies in the United States. WhAEM2000 provides an interactive computer environment for design of protection areas based on radius methods, well in uniform flow solutions, and geohydrologic modeling methods. Protection areas are designed and overlaid upon US Geological Survey Digital Line Graph (DLG) or other electronic base maps. Base maps for a project can be selected from a graphical index map for the State. Geohydrologic modeling for steady pumping wells, including the influence of hydrological boundaries, such as rivers, recharge, and no-flow contacts, is accomplished using the analytic element method.

Current Version: 3.2.1
Release Date: September 2007
Development Status: General Release
Development Information: Release Notes - changes and known deficiencies
Operating System: Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP
Development Language: Visual Basic
Intended Audience: Geohydrologist
Key Words: assessment, discharge, environmental effects, groundwater, hydrology, model, process, risk, test/analysis, waste management
Related Web Sites: EPA NERL/ERD WhAEM2000 Page

Text Files (ASCII Format)
File Name File Description
ABSTRACT.TXT Summary of functions, theory, and applicability.
README.TXT Important installation and usage information.

Download Files
File Type /
File Name /
Format /
File Description
Install /
Install WhAEMv321 /
InstallShield Executable /
22 MB
Setup file for version 3.2.1 of the WhAEM2000 system. Use this for new installs. See README.TXT for important installation instructions.
Document /
User's Manual /
Adobe Acrobat /
9.93 MB
The complete user's manual (chapters 1-5), Working with WhAEM2000 July 2007, (PDF, 84 pp., 9.93 MB, about PDF).
Data /
Tutorial Maps /
Self-extracting Zip /
9.7 MB
Map files required by the tutorial and case study contained within the user's manual.
Data /
WhAEM2000 Binary Base Maps /
Self-extracting Zip /
Binary base map (BBM) files are vectorized graphics derived from USGS DLG files. BBM files can be imported directly into WhAEM2000 software to serve as the geographic basis for groundwater modeling.

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