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Three-Dimensional Finite Element Model of Water Flow Through Saturated-Unsaturated Media (3DFEMWATER) and Three-Dimensional Lagrangian-Eulerian Finite Element Model of Waste Transport Through Saturated-Unsaturated Media (3DLEWASTE) are related and can be used together to model flow and transport in three dimensional, variably-saturated porous media under transient conditions with multiple distributed and point sources/sinks. These models can be used to apply the assimilative capacity criterion to development of wellhead protection areas.

The complexity of 3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE numerical models requires that they be used by experienced numerical modelers with strong background in hydrogeology. 3DFEMWATER is designed to simulate the movement of moisture through variably saturated porous media. 3DLEWASTE is designed to simulate solute transport through variably saturated porous media.

The EPA is making the source code for 3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE available to the community "as is". We encourage those who successfully recompile the source for Windows, Apple, and Linux platforms to contact us, Steve Kraemer (Kraemer.stephen@epamail.epa.gov) and share with the community. We are aware that our partners at the US Army Corps of Engineers are continuing to develop the FEMWATER model (see "Related Web Sites" below).

Software Specifications
Current Version: 1.00
Release Date: July 1993
Development Status: Source code only
Development Information: Release Notes - changes and known deficiencies - Please read
Operating System: N/A
Development Language: FORTRAN
Intended Audience Hydrogeologists/Modelers
Key Words: assessment, discharge, drinking water, environmental effects, groundwater, hydrology, metals, monitoring, pesticides, prevention, test/analysis
Related Web Sites: US Corp. of Engineers GMS modeling system
US EPA WhAEM modeling system

Text Files
File Name File Description
ABSTRACT.TXT Summary of model functions, theory, and applicability.
README.TXT Important information on the installation and use of the model.

Download Files
File Type File Name/
File Description Requirement
Installation Install_3DFEMWATER.exe /
Self-extracting Executable/
11 MB
Zip file for version 1.0 of the 3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE source code; includes documentation. See README.TXT for important installation instructions. Required

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