Michigan Event Codes

The following tables show the only event codes to be used in Michigan by anyone for any purpose. It is recommended that this entire list be pre-set into your decoder.

Event Code
Avalanche Watch AVA
Avalanche Warning AVW
Blizzard Warning BZW
Child Abduction Emergency CAE
Civil Danger Warning CDW
Civil Emergency Message CEM (i)
Coastal Flood Watch CFA
Coastal Flood Warning CFW
Practice / Demo Warning DMO
Dust Storm Warning DSW
Emergency Action Notification EAN (ii)
Emergency Action Termination EAT (ii)
Evacuate Immediate EVI (i)
Earthquake Warning EQW (i)
Flash Flood Watch FFA
Flash Flood Warning FFW (i)
Flash Flood Statement FFS
Flood Watch FLA
Flood Warning FLW
Flood Statement FLS
Fire Warning FRW
Hazardous Material Warning HMW
High Wind Watch HWA
High Wind Warning HWW
Local Area Emergency LAE (i)
Law Enforcement Warning LEW
National Information Center NIC
Network Message Notification NMN
National Periodic Test NPT
Nuclear Power Plant Warning NUW
Radiological Hazard Warning RHW
Required Monthly Test RMT
Required Weekly Test RWT
Special Marine Warning SMW
Shelter In Place Warning SPW
Severe Thunderstorm Watch SVA
Severe Thunderstorm Warning SVR (i)
Tornado Watch TOA
911 Telephone Outage Emergency TOE
Tornado Warning TOR (i)
Tropical Storm Watch TRA
Tropical Storm Warning TRW
Volcano Warning VOW
Winter Storm Watch WSA
Winter Storm Warning WSW
Event Code
Closed Circuit Test CCT
Fog Warning FOW
Gas Leak Emergency GLE (i)
Icy Road Warning IRW
Industrial Plant Emergency IPE (i)
Law Enforcement Emergency LEE (i)
Marine Warning MRW
Military Emergency MLE
Nuclear Power Plant Emergency NPE (i)
Radiological Emergency RDE (i)
School Closing Emergency SCE
Shelter in Place Advisory SIP
State Emergency Test SET
State Emergency STE (i)
Toxic Spill Emergency TSE (i)
  1. Specified to be pre-set in decoders, as a minimum, per the Michigan State EAS Plan.
  2. Already pre-set in all decoders by FCC rules.

  • NOAA National Weather Service
  • Grand Rapids, MI Weather Forecast Office
  • 4899 South Complex Drive SE
  • Grand Rapids, MI 49512-4034
  • 616-949-0643
  • Page Author: GRR Webmaster
  • Web Master's E-mail: w-grr.webmaster@noaa.gov
  • Page last modified: 2-Aug-2007 5:26 PM UTC
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