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Road to Self-Sufficiency: A Guide to Entrepreneurship for Youth with Disabilities

Road to Self-Sufficiency Cover Page

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The Road to Self-Sufficiency: A Guide to Entrepreneurship for Youth with Disabilities was developed to serve as a resource for organizations working with youth on career exploration and employment options, and policymakers who support youth programs through policy and practice.  The Guide shows how entrepreneurship education can be implemented in programs and offers suggestions on how to introduce self-employment as an option  for all youth, including youth with disabilities.

The Guide presents an overview of entrepreneurship and describes why entrepreneurship education is relevant today.  It also examines entrepreneurship education programs and different activities that can be incorporated in those programs.  It also includes a detailed description on how the National Content Standards and the Guideposts for Success framework can drive entrepreneur programming. 

The Guideposts for Success, developed by the NCWD/Youth in collaboration with the U. S. Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), is a comprehensive framework that identifies what all youth, including youth with disabilities, need to succeed during the critical transition years to adulthood.  The organizational strategies provided in this Guide fall within each Guidepost.

Additionally, The Road to Self-Sufficiency: A Guide to Entrepreneurship for Youth with Disabilities identifies legislation that supports entrepreneurial activities for youth with disabilities.  It also describes the importance of accommodations in providing inclusive entrepreneurial programs.  And, it depicts the significance of financial planning and financial options for people with disabilities. 

A set of appendices with valuable resources and references is also included, as well as a useful Glossary of Terms.

Download The Complete Guide

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Download the entire guide in Word* Document is in Microsoft Word format (470 KB)
*Please note: This is a large document, download time will be longer for users with slower connections.

Download Sections

Introduction, Acknowledgements, and Preface
View the introduction, acknowledgements and preface in PDF Document is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format (136 KB)
View the introduction, acknowledgements and preface in Word Document is in Microsoft Word format (29 KB)

Chapter 1 Introduction: Background On Entrepreneurship
View Chapter 1 in PDF Document is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format (96 KB)
View Chapter 1 in Word Document is in Microsoft Word format (48 KB)

Chapter 2 Entrepreneurship: Developing Successful Programs And Strategies
View Chapter 2 in PDF Document is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format (236 KB)
View Chapter 2 in Word Document is in Microsoft Word format (181 KB)

Chapter 3 Additional Considerations For Youth With Disabilities
View Chapter 3 in PDF Document is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format (176 KB)
View Chapter 3 in Word Document is in Microsoft Word format (143 KB)

Appendix A Resource Section On Entrepreneurship And Small Business
View Appendix A in PDF Document is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format (127 KB)
View Appendix A in Word Document is in Microsoft Word format (90 KB)

Appendix B References
View Appendix B in PDF Document is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format (74 KB)
View Appendix B in Word Document is in Microsoft Word format (42 KB)

Appendix C Glossary Of Terms
View Appendix C in PDF Document is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format (92 KB)
View Appendix C in Word Document is in Microsoft Word format (66 KB)

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Page updated 8 January, 2009

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