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State Mercury Medical/Dental Waste Programs

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Medical facilities, because of the large variety of uses for mercury-containing equipment/items, have an increased responsibility for proper disposal and treatment of their mercury waste. One goal of medical mercury management programs is to replace mercury-containing devices with mercury-free alternatives. Currently, various states have proposed or enacted legislation or established voluntary programs focusing on mercury in medical facilities. There also are national and state organizations that promote mercury management and reduction strategies such as identifying and purchasing alternative products and materials with less or no mercury, recycling mercury and mercury-containing products and devices, and training.

Many states also are undertaking both regulatory and non-regulatory activities to ensure proper management of mercury-containing dental amalgam. For instance, various states have proposed or enacted legislation as well as set up voluntary programs that address the use and management of dental amalgam. In addition, some federal and national organizations have developed outreach materials to provide information exchange, training, and general education for the public and dental professionals.

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Summary Table of State Mercury Medical/Dental Waste Programs

State Name

Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam Use

Guidance on Mercury Waste in Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities

Guidance on Mercury Waste in Dental Practices


Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam



Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam



Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam

Guidance on Mercury Waste in Hosiptals and Healthcare Facilities

Guidance on Mercury Waste in Dental Practices


Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam


Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam


Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam


Guidance on Mercury Waste in Dental Practices

District of Columbia

Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam




Guidance on Mercury Waste in Hosiptals and Healthcare Facilities

Guidance on Mercury Waste in Dental Practices


Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam



Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam




Guidance on Mercury Waste in Hosiptals and Healthcare Facilities

Guidance on Mercury Waste in Dental Practices


Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam



Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam

Guidance on Mercury Waste in Hosiptals and Healthcare Facilities

Guidance on Mercury Waste in Dental Practices



Guidance on Mercury Waste in Hosiptals and Healthcare Facilities

Guidance on Mercury Waste in Dental Practices


Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam



Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam


Guidance on Mercury Waste in Dental Practices





New Hampshire

Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam


New York

Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam

Guidance on Mercury Waste in Hosiptals and Healthcare Facilities

Guidance on Mercury Waste in Dental Practices



Guidance on Mercury Waste in Hosiptals and Healthcare Facilities



Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam


Guidance on Mercury Waste in Dental Practices



Guidance on Mercury Waste in Hosiptals and Healthcare Facilities



Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam


Guidance on Mercury Waste in Dental Practices


Laws and Regulations Regarding Mercury Amalgam


Guidance on Mercury Waste in Dental Practices



Guidance on Mercury Waste in Hosiptals and Healthcare Facilities

Guidance on Mercury Waste in Dental Practices


HB 495: Mercury Amalgam Filling: Search under Bills for Status in 2004 Regular Session

HB 665 (LS: 04): Would require dentists to provide information about mercury or mercury amalgam to patients: Search under Bills for Status in 2004


HB 2467: Mercury Amalgam Fillings


Guide to Mercury Assessment and Elimination in Healthcare Facilities (PDF) (79 pp, 458K, About PDF)

California Pollution Prevention for Dental Offices

AB 966 (LS: 05): Would establish standards related to amalgam in dental and related services

AB 999 (LS: 03): Sets insurance requirements for alternatives to mercury amalgam fillings


Pueblo Dental Mercury Pollution Prevention Project Final Report, August 31, 2004 (PDF)(16 pp, 292K, About PDF)

HB 1187 (LS: 97): The act prohibits dentists from using mercury
amalgam as a dental restorative material.

Mercury Amalgam Fact Sheet (PDF) (2 pp, 295K, About PDF)


Best Management Practice for Dental Offices Waste Handling in Connecticut

HB 5713 (LS: 05): Would require dental benefits to cover non-mercury fillings

District of Columbia



Best Management Practices for Mercury in Medical Facilities and Mercury in Dental Offices

Best Management Practices for Scrap Dental Amalgam


HB 442 (LS: 03): Would prohibit the use of mercury amalgam fillings in a certain populous.


SB 455 (LS: 93rd GA): Prohibits use of mercury amalgam under certain circumstances Go to SB 455


Eliminating Mercury in Hospitals (PDF) (12 pp, 683K, About PDF)


SB 141 (LS: 04): Relating to mercury contained in immunizations and dental restorations


Mercury Management in the Health Care Environment

Medical Pollution Prevention Agreement Program

Release of Mercury from Consumer Products: Medical Legislation

Health Effects of Mercury Fillings Legislation/Medical Legislation (PDF) (1 pg, 6K, About PDF)

Mercury in Dental Fillings Brochure

LD 697: Requires the installation of dental amalgam separator systems in dental office

LD 1409: Requires dentists to inform patients of the health effects of mercury fillings

LD 1327 (LS: 122nd): Would prohibit the use of mercury fillings


Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection's Dental Amalgam Mercury Recycling Program

PPIS Hospital Project Description

Dental Elemental Mercury Collection Program


SB 0094: Elimination of use of mercury in hospitals


Great Lakes Dental Mercury Reduction Program

Mercury Amalgam Recovery Program

HF 0661 & SF 0641 (LS: 05): Would require the removal of mercury amalgam restorations prior to cremation of human corpses and installation of amalgam separators in dental offices


HB 665 (LS: 05): Comprehensive mercury bill, which would require amalgam separators in dental offices

New Hampshire

HB 1251: Mercury Fillings: Medical Legislation

New York

Reducing Mercury Use in Health Care

Mercury Pollution Prevention Education Project

Mercury and Dental Amalgam Recyclers

New York Requirements for Recycling Dental Amalgam

Chapter 506: Recycling Dental Amalgam


Mercury Challenge Medical Program

Mercury Challenge Handbook Medical Programs (PDF) (33 pp, 101K, About PDF)


SB 681: Prohibits use of dental materials containing mercury after July 1, 2007

SB 695: Directs Department of Human Services to conduct a study of mercury amalgam fillings in human teeth and environmental sources of mercury ingestion


Mercury Education and Reduction Campaign


Dental Mercury Collection Program Description

SB 187 (LS: 05): Would require the Board of Dentistry to promulgate regulations for the appropriate and safe use of dental amalgams containing mercury


Amalgam Waste

Amalgam Separators

Amalgam Separators approved by King County

Mercury Dental Amalgam Program (PDF) (19 pp, 327K, About PDF)

HB 1273 & SB 5066 (LS: 03): Would require informed consent prior to using mercury amalgam dental restorative material


Medical Mercury Reduction

Dental Mercury Reduction

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Additional Medical Resources

The American Medical Association (AMA) Mercury and Fish Consumption: Medical and Public Health Issues report summarizes the key findings of the April 2004 Conference on Mercury: Medical and Public Health Issues, co-sponsored by EPA and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Hospitals for a Healthy Environment (H2E) provides health-care facilities with valuable information about mercury and how to eliminate its use.

Health Care Without Harm is an international coalition of hospitals and health care systems, medical professionals, community groups, health-affected constituencies, labor unions, environmental and environmental health organizations and religious groups. One of their goals is to phase out the use of mercury in all aspects of the health care industry.

Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA)/Medical Academic and Scientific Community Organization, Inc. (MASCO) - Mercury Work Group
To address complex mercury issues, the MWRA established a Mercury Work Group to examine the issues and to develop strategies to reduce the amount of mercury being discharged into its sewer system. Hospital participation in this process was coordinated through MASCO (a not-for-profit provider of services and technical assistance to Longwood Medical and Academic Area institutions), and involved the active participation of 28 hospitals.

University of Massachusetts - Sustainable Hospital Project Web Site provides technical support to the health care industry by listing and describing current products and work practices that reduce occupational and environmental hazards in the health care environment.

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Additional Dental Resources

For comprehensive information on state dental amalgam mandatory and voluntary programs, view EPA's Health Services Industry Detailed Study (PDF) pp. 4-4 to 4-9. (76 pp, 1.0MB, About PDF)

The American Dental Association (ADA) is the professional association of dentists committed to the public’s oral health, ethics, science and professional advancement. In September 2005, ADA released Best Management Practices for Amalgam Waste, which establishes ADA guidelines for recycling amalgam.

The Naval Institute For Dental and Biomedical Research is the lead agency in a Navy-wide program developing and evaluating existing and emerging technologies for removal of mercury from dental unit wastewater streams.

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