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FAM No. 97-16

April 8, 1997


To:		Bureau Assistant Directors, Administration
		Chief Executive Officer, Interior Service Center
		Bureau Finance Officers
		Coach Acquisition, Fiscal and Property Services

From:		Focus Leader, Asset and Debt Management
		Office of Financial Management

Subject: 	Shipment of a Privately Owned Vehicle - FTR Amendment 65

Attached is a copy of pages 13794 through 13799, Federal Register,
Volume 62, No. 55, dated Friday, March 21, 1997, which contain Federal
Travel Regulation, 41 CFR 302-1 and 302-10, Amendment 65.  This
amendment provides authority for shipment of a privately owned vehicle
in connection with the transfer of an employee within CONUS or a new
appointee or student trainee who resides in CONUS to his/her first duty
station, when the transportation is advantageous and cost effective to
the Government.  This authority is to be used only when accelerating the
employee's arrival and early work availability at the new duty station
will benefit the Department.

The authorizing official must make a cost comparison of the benefits
derived by shipment of a privately owned vehicle within CONUS vs
requiring the employee or a member of the employee's immediate family to
drive the vehicle to the new duty location.  If a determination that
shipment of the vehicle is most advantageous to the Department, a
separate Government Bill of Lading (GBL) will be issued to cover the
vehicle shipment.  The vehicle will not be included as part of the
employee's household goods shipment. 

Payments made for the shipment of privately owned automobiles will be
accumulated in object class 224L, transportation of POV.

Attachment 2 contains additional questions and answers on issues related
to the shipment of privately owned vehicles wholly within CONUS.

This amendment is effective March 22, 1997 and applies to an employee
whose effective date of transfer, date of reporting for duty at the new
duty station, is on or after March 22, 1997. 

Please direct any questions you may have on this subject to Mr. Lesley
Oden on (202) 208-6225.

			           William E. Webber /s/

1 of 2 - Amendment 65
2 of 2 - Questions and Answers

Prior Financial Administration
Memorandums on this Subject:
No. 97-014 (II.G.6.), March 31, 1997 - Active
No. 94-013     "    , March 4, 1994 - Canceled
No. 94-036     "    , May 17, 1994 - Canceled
No. 95-040     "    , November 28, 1995 - Canceled

FAMDesciptionName Phone #
GEN FAMs - General Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
II A FAMs - General Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
II E Bonding Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
II F 1 Treasury Policy, Operations and Disbursing - General Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
II F 5 Treasury Policy, Operations and Disbursing - Depositaries Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
II G 1 Travel and Transportation - General Robert Smith 202-208-5684
II G 2 Travel and Transportation - Maximum Per Diem Allowances in Certain Robert Smith 202-208-5684
II G 3 Travel and Transportation - Maximum Per Diem Allowances for Travel Robert Smith 202-208-5684
II G 4 Travel and Transportation - Travel Management Center Robert Smith 202-208-5684
II G 6 Travel and Transportation - Relocation Allowances Robert Smith 202-208-5684
II H Unemployment Compensation Michael Anthony 202-208-6824
II J Cash Management, Debt Collection and Prompt Payment Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
III A Financial Data, Fiscal and Financial Reporting - General Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
III E Financial Data, Fiscal and Financial Reporting - Treasury Eric Eisenstein 202-208-3417
IV A Activity Based Cost (ABC) Management David Horn 202-208-5542

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U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Financial Management

Last Updated on 02/26/07