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IUR Data

For 2006

The 2006 IUR includes information about chemicals manufactured or imported in quantities of 25,000 pounds or more at a single site during calendar year 2005. In addition to the basic manufacturing information collected in previous reporting cycles, the 2006 cycle is the first time EPA collected information to characterize exposure during manufacturing, processing and use of organic chemicals. The 2006 cycle also is the first time manufacturers of inorganic chemicals were required to report basic manufacturing information.

EPA is providing non-confidential 2006 IUR data for public use. When possible, the Agency also provides nationally aggregated information using both confidential and non-confidential data.

Note: EPA plans to release additional summary data in the near future.

2006 Public Data Release Report (PDF) - This electronic report provides an overview of the 2006 IUR chemical manufacturing, processing, and use information.

The following pages provide databases searchable either by chemical or company. The full database is also available as a downloadable database file.

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Previously Collected Data

Information collected by EPA during past IUR periods is also available to the public. IUR data prior to 2006 covered organic chemicals manufactured, including imported, in volumes of 10,000 pounds or more at an individual site. Information was limited to basic manufacturing data, such as a chemical's production volume.

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