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Policy & Guidance

The Air Program periodically develops policy and guidance documents that help to interpret a set of rules or other requirements. In keeping with EPA's goal to enhance public access to non-routine decisions by the Regions and National Program Offices and other documents of public interest, we will make our policy and guidance documents available through this web site. If you don't find what you are looking for here, EPA's Applicability Determinations Index found on the Technology Transfer Network Web Site may provide the guidance you seek.

Also, the Region has developed a database of Title V operating permit policy and guidance documents and a database of NSR & PSD policy and guidance documents. Both databases contain documents issued by EPA's headquarters and Regions and allow the user to search the contents of the documents.

Policy and guidance documents are listed in reverse chronological order, from most recent to the oldest. Each entry is flagged for the major air programs for which it may affect.

Documents found at this site are in Adobe Portable Document Format. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.


Title V
Operating Permits

New Source


NSPS Subpart Dc Monthly Recordkeeping and Impact on Past Reduced Recordkeeping Approvals 03/07/2006 X
Interpretation of the Term "Contiguous" in the Definition of "Major Source" in 40 CFR Part 63 10/01/2004 X
Permit by Rule Guidance for Minor Preconstruction Permits 09/12/2003 X
Is a Proposed System a Treatment System for Purposes of the Municipal Solid Waste Landfill New Source Performance Standard 02/18/2003 X
Title V Permit Appeals and Permit Modifications 04/09/2002 X
Interpretation of Ambient Air 08/01/2000 X
Turbine Upgrade and PSD at Sunflower Holcomb 08/28/1998 X
Title I Modification 04/29/1998 X
Answers to Questions on Replacing Three Boilers with One Boiler 04/27/1998 X X X
Region 7 Policy on Periodic Monitoring for Opacity 04/18/1997 X
Guidance on Common Control 09/18/1995 X X

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