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A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Mathematics and Science Partnerships - Scientifically Based Research in Mathematics

Student Achievement and School Accountability Conference
October 2002

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MSP Learning Network (cont.)

PI Name Award Title
Iris Weiss Incorporating High Quality Interventions into a Broader Strategy for Sustained Mathematics/Science Education Reform (Horizon Research)
Joni Falk MSP-Network: A Technical Assistance Design Project (TERC)
Madeleine Long Assistance for Building Capacity (AAAS)
Arthur Gosling Developing the Dissemination Strategy and Framework for the Math and Science Partnerships Program (GWU)
Rolf Blank Longitudinal Design to Measure Effects of MSP Professional Development in Improving Quality of Instruction in Mathematics and Science Education (CCSSO)
Edys Quellmalz MSP Assessments (SRI)
Katherine Stiles Academy for Professional Development Design in Science and Mathematics (WestEd)
Jay Labov Facilitating Math/Science Partnerships (NAS)
Shirley McBay Technical Assistance to Increase the Participation and Competitiveness of Teams Involving Minority-Serving Institutions in the MSP Program (Quality Education for Minorities Network)