Tides and Inflows in the Mangrove Ecotone (TIME) Model Development (Vegetative Resistance to Flow)

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Harry Jenter

Raymond Schaffranek (retired); Virginia Cater (retired); Jonathan K. Lee (deceased)

Publication_Date: 1999-2003
Tides and Inflows in the Mangrove Ecotone (TIME) Model Development (Vegetative Resistance to Flow)
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: tables
Surface-water flow models are needed to evaluate restoration and management alternatives for the south Florida ecosystem. Model results are sensitive to expressions used to represent flow resistance due to vegetation. The project seeks to develop methods for representing flow resistance due to vegetation types typically found in the Everglades. The project also seeks an understanding of the effect of vegetation on surface-water flow and improved techniques for measuring flow velocities and water-surface slopes in wetlands.
Data fundamental to quantifying the effects that the highly variable vegetation of the Everglades has on shallow surface-water flows is lacking. Models presently being used to manage the ecosystem need to quantify the flow-resistance effects of vegetation in order to properly simulate flow. These management models have been forced to rely primarily on qualitative estimates and engineering judgments for the treatment and representation of vegetative flow resistance. The objectives of this project are: 1) to collect data to produce accurate values of flow-resistance coefficients for use in numerical simulation models, 2) to analyze these flow data to quantify the resistance effects of the submerged vegetation, 3) to investigate the vegetation/flow-resistance correlation in controlled laboratory experiments and in the field, 4) to isolate the key vegetation properties to which the evaluation of resistance effects can best be correlated, and 5) to derive expressions that can be used to more creditably represent these effects in numerical models. These findings can be used to establish the validity of management models presently in use throughout the entire Everglades ecosystem as well as to provide improved expressions for representing the resistance effects of vegetation on flow for incorporation in newly developed models.
Beginning_Date: 199410
Ending_Date: 200209
Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Progress: Complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -81.201351
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -79.141576
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 27.141576
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 24.838753
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
Theme_Keyword: biology
Theme_Keyword: hydrology
Theme_Keyword: flow
Theme_Keyword: vegetation
Theme_Keyword: Manning's n
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Theme_Keyword: biota
Theme_Keyword: environment
Theme_Keyword: inlandWaters
Theme_Keyword: 002
Theme_Keyword: 007
Theme_Keyword: 012
Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions, Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 10-4, Washington, DC, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Place_Keyword: United States
Place_Keyword: US
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States, and associated areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, DC, NIST
Place_Keyword: Florida
Place_Keyword: FL
Department of Commerce, 1990, Counties and Equivalent Entities of the United States, Its Possessions, and Associated Areas, FIPS 6-3, Washington, DC, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Place_Keyword: Broward County
Place_Keyword: Collier County
Place_Keyword: Glades County
Place_Keyword: Hendry county
Place_Keyword: Martin County
Place_Keyword: Miami-Dade County
Place_Keyword: Palm Beach County
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: USGS Geographic Names Information System
Place_Keyword: Shark River Slough
Place_Keyword: Taylor Slough
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
Place_Keyword: Greater Lake Okeechobee
Place_Keyword: South East Coast
Place_Keyword: SW Big Cypress
Place_Keyword: WCA2
Place_Keyword: Water Conservation Area 2
Access_Constraints: none
Use_Constraints: none
Contact_Person: Harry Jenter
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Address_Type: mailing address
Address: 430 National Center
City: Reston
State_or_Province: VA
Postal_Code: 20192
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 703 648-5916
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 703 648-5484
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: <>
map showing location of Taylor Slough vegetation sampling quadrats on the upper, middle, and lower transects
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: <>
map showing location of sites P33 and NESR3 in Shark River Slough
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: GIF
Data_Set_Credit: Project personnel include Kevin Kotun (ENP) and Cheryl Lee
Native_Data_Set_Environment: html tables
Carter, Virginia

Rybicki, Nancy B.; Reel, Justin T.; Ruhl, Henry A.; Stewart, David W.; Jones, John W.

Publication_Date: 199907
Classification of Vegetation for Surface-Water Flow Models in Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: map
Series_Name: Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics
Issue_Identification: Proceedings
Publication_Place: Salt Lake City, UT
International Association for Hydraulic Research Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR)
Online_Linkage: <>
Carter, Virginia

Ruhl, Henry A.; Rybicki, Nancy B.; Reel, Justin T.; Gammon, Patricia T.

Publication_Date: 1999
Vegetative Resistance to Flow in South Florida: Summary of Vegetation Sampling at Sites NESRS3 and P33, Shark River Slough, April, 1996
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: report
Series_Name: USGS Open File Report
Issue_Identification: 99-187
Publication_Place: Reston, VA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Online_Linkage: <>
Carter, Virginia

Reel, Justin T.; Rybicki, Nancy B.; Ruhl, Henry A.; Gammon, Patricia T.; Lee, Jonathan K.

Publication_Date: 1999
Vegetative Resistance to Flow in South Florida: Summary of Vegetation Sampling at Sites NESRS3 and P33, Shark River Slough, November, 1996
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: report
Series_Name: USGS Open File Report
Issue_Identification: 99-218
Publication_Place: Reston, VA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Online_Linkage: <>
Rybicki, N. B.

Reel, J.; Ruhl, H. A.; Gammon, P. T.; Carter, V.; Lee, J. K.

Publication_Date: 1999
Biomass and Vegetative Characteristics of Sawgrass Grown in a Tilting Flume as Part of a Study of Vegetative Resistance to Flow
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: report
Series_Name: USGS Open File Report
Issue_Identification: 99-230
Publication_Place: Reston, VA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Online_Linkage: <>
Rybicki, Nancy B.

Reel, Justin T.; Ruhl, Henry A.; Gammon, Patricia T.; Carter, Virginia

Publication_Date: 2001
Vegetative Resistance to Flow: Summary of Vegetation Sampling in Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park, September 1997-July 1998
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: report
Series_Name: USGS Open-File Report
Issue_Identification: 01-102
Publication_Place: Reston, VA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Online_Linkage: <>
Rybicki, Nancy B.

Reel, Justin T.; Ruhl, Henry A.; Gammon, Patricia T.; Carter, Virginia; Lee, Jonathan K.

Publication_Date: 2000
Sawgrass density, biomass, and leaf area index: a flume study in support of research in wind sheltering effects in the Florida Everglades
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: report
Series_Name: USGS Open File Report
Issue_Identification: 00-172
Publication_Place: Reston, VA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Online_Linkage: <>
Lee, J. K.

Visser, H. M.; Jenter, H. L.; Duff, M. P.

Publication_Date: 2000
Velocity and Stage Data Collected in a Laboratory Flume for Water Surface Slope Determination Using a Pipe Manometer
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: report
Series_Name: USGS Open-File Report
Issue_Identification: 00-393
Publication_Place: Reston, VA
Publisher: U. S. Geological Survey
Online_Linkage: <>

Logical_Consistency_Report: not applicable
Completeness_Report: not available
Velocity-profile and vegetation data collected in the flume in FY 1996 and FY 1997 were analyzed. Water-surface-elevation and pipe-flow data collected in the flume in FY 1996 were analyzed and used to calibrate a unique pipe manometer used to obtain water-surface slopes in wetlands. A 2.4-meter-long, 7.6-centimeter-diameter plastic pipe with a short elbow at one end is positioned horizontally just below the water surface and parallel to the flow direction with the elbow at the upstream end and pointing down. The velocity of water in the pipe is a function of the characteristics of the pipe and the difference in water-surface elevation at the entrance and exit. The centerline flow velocity in the pipe is measured by inserting an ADV that is equipped with a side-looking probe into the downstream end of the pipe. The pipe was calibrated in the flume at the hydraulics laboratory at Stennis Space Center and has proven to be an efficient, accurate method for the local measurement of water-surface slopes for the low-velocity, small-gradient flows of the Everglades.

Velocity-profile and vegetation data collected in the field in FY 1996 and FY 1997 at sites P33 and NESRS3 in the Everglades National Park were analyzed. Pipe-flow data collected at these sites in FY 1997 were analyzed, and water-surface slopes were obtained from the pipe-flow data. Field measurements were made in November 1997 in the Taylor Slough basin in the Everglades National Park to obtain information on the relation between flow and vegetation characteristics. Measurement of flow depth, flow velocity, and water-surface slope was necessary to evaluate flow resistance. Vegetation was sampled wherever hydraulic measurements were made. Approximately 20 hydraulic and 20 vegetation measurements were made during this field trip. An ADV was used to measure flow velocities, and the pipe manometer was used to obtain water-surface slopes.

Process_Date: 1998
Data collected in the USGS tilting flume at the Stennis Space Center, MS, were used to determine the flow resistance of uniform stands of sawgrass. Experiments were conducted for five flow depths between 0.15 and 0.76 meters, for mean cross-sectional velocities between 0.15 and 5 cm/s, and for three plant densities. Hydraulic measurements of the water-surface slope and flow velocities were made during each experiment using modified hook gages and acoustic Doppler velocity (ADV) meters. The vegetation in the flume was sampled and characterized during each experimental series (Rybicki, et. al., 1999), each consisting of 20 to 40 experiments. The vegetation in the flume was sampled to determine, as a function of depth, the biomass per unit area, number of stems and leaves per unit area, leaf and stem widths, as well as other characteristics. Concurrent flow and vegetation data were also collected at numerous sites in Shark Valley Slough, Taylor Slough, WCA-2, and the ENR area for various types of plant communities including sawgrass, rush, cattail, and others, to supplement the laboratory experiments.

In order to collect the data needed to evaluate and develop flow-resistance expressions, a unique pipe-manometer method was devised to determine the local water-surface slope in wetlands. The device is a 2.4-meter-long plastic pipe, 7.6 cm in diameter, with a 90-degree elbow at one end. The pipe was positioned in the water column parallel to the flow direction and an ADV meter equipped with a side-looking probe was used to measure the centerline flow velocity in the pipe. Knowing the flow characteristics of the pipe, the difference in the water-surface elevation at the ends of the pipe is calculated from appropriate expressions using the measured centerline flow velocity in the pipe. The pipe manometer is currently calibrated, and appears to hold great potential as an efficient, accurate method for the local measurement of the shallow water-surface slopes typical of the low-velocity, small-gradient flows in the Everglades.

The death of Dr. Jonathan Lee, the project chief, in December of 1999 prompted the need for development of new approaches to accomplish the project objectives. All project laboratory and field datasets collected over the four-year duration of the project (1996-1999) were organized and catalogued by project personnel during December of 1999 and January of 2000 and have been analyzed throughout the remainder of the year to yield velocity profiles, depth-averaged velocities and Manning’s n values. Data from the laboratory, Shark Slough, Taylor Slough and Water Conservation Area 2A have been analyzed and tabulated. Summary reports describing these data sets were prepared.

In the spring of 2000, contracts were initiated with Dr. Vincent Lai to complete the pipe manometer theoretical analysis and calibration and Dr. Lisa Roig to complete the vegetative resistance calculations for both laboratory and field data.

All data pertaining to the calibration of the pipe manometer were processed during January and February of 2000. The data were turned over to Lai for evaluation in March 2000. In turn, Lai has provided the Project Chiefs with a draft report describing the theory of the pipe manometer, including definition of the limits of laminar, transitional and turbulent flow theory.

At the end of March, Roig initiated a literature review on the subject of vegetative resistance to flow using Lee’s files and notes as one source of reference information. This review is completed and serves as a precursor to her analysis of Lee’s laboratory and field data. It also serves as a valuable reference resource for others contributing to this project.

Major scientific outcomes for this project during FY 2000 included:

1. The theoretical limits of applicability of Lee’s pipe manometer method for computing water-surface slopes have been determined and defined. This allows other researchers to identify situations in which the pipe manometer technique can be used to accurately measure the local water-surface slope.

2. The pipe manometer calibration data show a distinct, nearly-linear variation between the pipe centerline velocity and the square root of the water surface slope. For the pipe manometer geometry used on this project in both the field and laboratory, this implies that the developed calibration is applicable throughout the range of velocities typically observed in the Everglades (Calibration data collected in the laboratory span the range 0.3 cm/s - 7.5 cm/s).

Process_Date: 2000
Contact_Person: Harry Jenter
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Address_Type: mailing address
Address: 430 National Center
City: Reston
State_or_Province: VA
Postal_Code: 20192
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 703 648-5916
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 703 648-5484

Table 1 shows the procedures used at each vegetation sampling and treatment between and during sampling dates

Table 2 contains selected results of flume vegetation sampling for six months. Parameters are Average total biomass, Class (medium sawgrass), Total number of leaves at 40-60 cm, Total number of leaves at 20-40 cm, Total number of culms at 0-20 cm, Total number of culms at 20-40 cm, and Total dead biomass at 9 months, 13 months, 17 months, 21 months, 27 months, and 30 months.

Table 3 shows the summary of uncorrected Leaf Area Indices (LAI) for six plant ages (9 months, 13 months, 17 months, 21 months, 27 months, and 30 months) for 60-90 cm, 40-60 cm, 24-40 cm, 0-20 cm and total.

Table 4 shows data for the sawgrass biomass in the flume for September, 1995 (9 months)

Table 5 shows data for the sawgrass biomass in the flume for January, 1996 (13 months)

Table 6 shows data for the sawgrass biomass in the flume for May, 1996 (17 months)

Table 7 shows data for the sawgrass biomass in the flume for October, 1996 (21 months)

Table 8 shows data for the sawgrass biomass in the flume for March, 1997 (27 months)

Table 9 shows data for the sawgrass biomass in the flume for June, 1997 (30 months)

Entity_and_Attribute_Detail_Citation: USGS Open-File Report 99-230

Contact_Person: Heather S.Henkel
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Address_Type: mailing address
Address: 600 Fourth St. South
City: St. Petersburg
State_or_Province: FL
Postal_Code: 33701
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 727 803-8747 ext 3028
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 727 803-2030
Resource_Description: Vegetative Resistance to Flow Data
Distribution_Liability: No warrantees are implied or explicit for the data
Format_Name: PDF
tables showing procedures, selected results, and data collected for six sampling dates
Transfer_Size: 2.8
Network_Resource_Name: <>
Network_Resource_Name: <>
Access_Instructions: The data may be downloaded from the SOFIA website
Fees: none

Metadata_Date: 20090311
Contact_Person: Heather Henkel
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 600 Fourth Street South
City: St. Petersburg
State_or_Province: FL
Postal_Code: 33701
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 727 803-8747 ext 3028
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 727 803-2030
Metadata_Standard_Name: Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata_Access_Constraints: none
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